Special Needs Care in Rocky View County

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Meagan C.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Rocky View County
Community support worker
| I have over 10 years of experience working with youth in care, senior care, adults with disabilities of all needs. I specialize in working with very diverse needs. I have worked with extremely violent high need youth and adults with disabilities and without disabilities I also specialize in using the arts as a therapeutic strategy in the care I provide. I have spent a considerable amount of time teaching adults with disabilities in a performance environment such as live theater and film. I have extensive experience teaching art to adults with with disabilities such as running drop in art classes teaching new art techniques, assisting adults with the showcasing of their art. I have organized art shows which inclued creating art for showcases, framing, pricing, and promotion of art showcases for individuals and for groups. I use my personal experiences in all these areas to help support individuals have a greater purpose in life, gain confidence, independence., beliefe and faith in themselves and their abilities. I believe every person has value and my goal is always to help individuals increase the joy and value in their lives.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Rocky View County
Community support worker
| I have over 10 years of experience working with youth in care, senior care, adults with disabilities of all needs. I specialize in working with very diverse needs. I have worked with extremely violent high need youth and adults with disabilities and without disabilities I also specialize in using the arts as a therapeutic strategy in the care I provide. I have spent a considerable amount of time teaching adults with disabilities in a performance environment such as live theater and film. I have extensive experience teaching art to adults with with disabilities such as running drop in art classes teaching new art techniques, assisting adults with the showcasing of their art. I have organized art shows which inclued creating art for showcases, framing, pricing, and promotion of art showcases for individuals and for groups. I use my personal experiences in all these areas to help support individuals have a greater purpose in life, gain confidence, independence., beliefe and faith in themselves and their abilities. I believe every person has value and my goal is always to help individuals increase the joy and value in their lives.
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From $14 per hour \
Beatrice N.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Rocky View County
I am a compassionate individual with adequate technical skills to attend patients
| • Checking vital signs for patients and their daily monitoring • Assisting patients with daily hygiene, including showering, oral/peri care, etc. • Caring for patients and assuring their safety • Proving social & emotional support to improve patient morale. • Excellent Communication Skills • Maintaining privacy of patients as mentioned by HIPAA regulations • Good at establishing rapport with team members, patients, and their families.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Rocky View County
I am a compassionate individual with adequate technical skills to attend patients
| • Checking vital signs for patients and their daily monitoring • Assisting patients with daily hygiene, including showering, oral/peri care, etc. • Caring for patients and assuring their safety • Proving social & emotional support to improve patient morale. • Excellent Communication Skills • Maintaining privacy of patients as mentioned by HIPAA regulations • Good at establishing rapport with team members, patients, and their families.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Rocky View County

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