Special Needs Care in Airdrie

Choose from 302 special needs caregivers in your area.
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Tina M.
Hired once
  • From $50 /hr
  • Airdrie
Hired once
Tutor and Behavioral Interventionist
| I am interested in and have supported children aged 3-5 with: ASD, ADHD, CP, speech delays, and epilepsy. I have also supported adults with ASD, schizophrenia, dementia and ADHD.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Airdrie
Tutor and Behavioral Interventionist
| I am interested in and have supported children aged 3-5 with: ASD, ADHD, CP, speech delays, and epilepsy. I have also supported adults with ASD, schizophrenia, dementia and ADHD.
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From $50 per hour \
Happy at Home Healthcare Services
1 Verification
  • From $45 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
In Home Healthcare: Non-medical and medical care services from the comfort of your home!
| Happy at Home Healthcare provides the best in home non-medical and medical care to all. All our caregivers and nurses are professionally trained, have years of experience assisting ones with developmental disabilities and seniors as well as are all vigorously background checked and provided ongoing training/education. We ensure that each caregiver and client are matched in order to foster the best relationship possible. We serve Airdrie, Calgary and the surrounding areas. Call us today to learn more and set up a FREE care consultation.
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  • From $45 /hr
  • Airdrie
In Home Healthcare: Non-medical and medical care services from the comfort of your home!
| Happy at Home Healthcare provides the best in home non-medical and medical care to all. All our caregivers and nurses are professionally trained, have years of experience assisting ones with developmental disabilities and seniors as well as are all vigorously background checked and provided ongoing training/education. We ensure that each caregiver and client are matched in order to foster the best relationship possible. We serve Airdrie, Calgary and the surrounding areas. Call us today to learn more and set up a FREE care consultation.
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From $45 per hour \
Elizabeth J.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Airdrie
I’m an enthusiastic person
| My name is Izzy. I am married to an autistic man for the past few years and have learnt a thing or two about patients and understanding. I have spent many years babysitting and working in entertainment coordinating and interacting with children at events.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Airdrie
I’m an enthusiastic person
| My name is Izzy. I am married to an autistic man for the past few years and have learnt a thing or two about patients and understanding. I have spent many years babysitting and working in entertainment coordinating and interacting with children at events.
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From $16 per hour \
Carolyn M.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a professional health care provider with over 7 years of experience.
| I have worked in feeding, mobility, learning development, peri care and supportive care. I am reliable, kind, patient, trustworthy and consistent.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a professional health care provider with over 7 years of experience.
| I have worked in feeding, mobility, learning development, peri care and supportive care. I am reliable, kind, patient, trustworthy and consistent.
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From $25 per hour \
Naomi D.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Respite worker. Lots of experience.
| I have been supporting youth and adults with disabilities for over 15 years. I have a Diploma in Disability studies and love what I do. I like to mentor and really value the companionship and the relationship that is built.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Respite worker. Lots of experience.
| I have been supporting youth and adults with disabilities for over 15 years. I have a Diploma in Disability studies and love what I do. I like to mentor and really value the companionship and the relationship that is built.
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From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Airdrie is between $20 and $26
Josie S.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
Special Needs Caretaker
| Hello my name is Josie and I am 25 years old. I am a certified health care aide and I have worked with children since I was 11 years old, I have experience working with youth and adults with special needs in a variety of circumstances. I am patient, empathetic, joyful and full of fun ideas. I have my own transportation.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Special Needs Caretaker
| Hello my name is Josie and I am 25 years old. I am a certified health care aide and I have worked with children since I was 11 years old, I have experience working with youth and adults with special needs in a variety of circumstances. I am patient, empathetic, joyful and full of fun ideas. I have my own transportation.
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From $20 per hour \
  • From $14 /hr
technique in comprehensive early childhood care, diploma in neuropsychopedagogy.
| Hello, my name is Vanessa , I am a professional in early childhood, throughout my work experience I have had the fortune of working with children, adolescents and adults with special conditions, I took care of my father for many years, since he had a stroke, I know what the family is looking for in a caregiver, I am capable of assuming my professional career, I have the skills, attitude, experience and vocation. I live in Airdrie, I have immediate availability. My language is native Spanish, my English is basic, I am taking classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm to 8:30pm to facilitate communication and better practice my profession.
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  • From $14 /hr
technique in comprehensive early childhood care, diploma in neuropsychopedagogy.
| Hello, my name is Vanessa , I am a professional in early childhood, throughout my work experience I have had the fortune of working with children, adolescents and adults with special conditions, I took care of my father for many years, since he had a stroke, I know what the family is looking for in a caregiver, I am capable of assuming my professional career, I have the skills, attitude, experience and vocation. I live in Airdrie, I have immediate availability. My language is native Spanish, my English is basic, I am taking classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm to 8:30pm to facilitate communication and better practice my profession.
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From $14 per hour \
Linda M.
  • From $40 /hr
  • Airdrie
Registered Nurse and Terrific Human
| Hi there! I have a rich nursing background caring for people from all walks of life. I enjoy people; I appreciate the humor. I find it satisfying to help out others using my skills and knowledge. I am fond of animals and find kids to be more or less pretty great. Please drop me a line if you have any questions. Hope to talk soon!
... more
  • From $40 /hr
  • Airdrie
Registered Nurse and Terrific Human
| Hi there! I have a rich nursing background caring for people from all walks of life. I enjoy people; I appreciate the humor. I find it satisfying to help out others using my skills and knowledge. I am fond of animals and find kids to be more or less pretty great. Please drop me a line if you have any questions. Hope to talk soon!
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From $40 per hour \
Abilities in Motion Support Services
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
Home Health Care Services - non medical
| I specialize in supports for seniors and individuals with developmental disabilities or complex needs in a variety of settings, including at-home, supportive living, community programs, residential programs, respite and in full-service facilities to create communities that are welcoming to everyone while offering compassionate care, connections, and support. Individuals are matched with an appropriate caregiver and my services are tailored to the individual's needs and are regularly evaluated. listed are below are some of the services we offer. I am 24/7 and always happy to help. 1. Companion Care 2. Senior Care 3. Personal Care 4. Specialty Care 5. Support Services - Residential/Supportive Living/Respite & Community Programs.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
Home Health Care Services - non medical
| I specialize in supports for seniors and individuals with developmental disabilities or complex needs in a variety of settings, including at-home, supportive living, community programs, residential programs, respite and in full-service facilities to create communities that are welcoming to everyone while offering compassionate care, connections, and support. Individuals are matched with an appropriate caregiver and my services are tailored to the individual's needs and are regularly evaluated. listed are below are some of the services we offer. I am 24/7 and always happy to help. 1. Companion Care 2. Senior Care 3. Personal Care 4. Specialty Care 5. Support Services - Residential/Supportive Living/Respite & Community Programs.
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From $25 per hour \
Campbell" Home Care Services
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
Campbell's Home Care Services
| Quality Certified Hands on Care Experience, dedicated care giver with extensive years of service, able to work closely with clients and families along with doctor's care plan. Services offered, Cleaning, Cooing, Personal Hygiene, Shopping, Companionship, Medication Administration, Palliative and Respite care along with mobile Transporting.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
Campbell's Home Care Services
| Quality Certified Hands on Care Experience, dedicated care giver with extensive years of service, able to work closely with clients and families along with doctor's care plan. Services offered, Cleaning, Cooing, Personal Hygiene, Shopping, Companionship, Medication Administration, Palliative and Respite care along with mobile Transporting.
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From $25 per hour \
Tonie M.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am passionate about creating a more inclusive society for all! Elderly carer.
| Hello! My name is Tonie and I currently work for an agency in Calgary that focuses on supporting adults with developmental disabilities. I am passionate about sharing information about resources and increasing the capacity of individuals to access the community and live the life they want. I am creative as well as well trained in behaviour guidance, crisis intervention, first aid, and skill development.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am passionate about creating a more inclusive society for all! Elderly carer.
| Hello! My name is Tonie and I currently work for an agency in Calgary that focuses on supporting adults with developmental disabilities. I am passionate about sharing information about resources and increasing the capacity of individuals to access the community and live the life they want. I am creative as well as well trained in behaviour guidance, crisis intervention, first aid, and skill development.
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From $18 per hour \
Nwabugwu N.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Airdrie
Application as a special care giver.
| my name is Nwabugwu ,a certified first aid specialist ,cpr certified and a mental health certified from Florence Academy uk. i am pationate about taken care of the needy and always fulfiled when i am doing that.Though my initial academic training is gology but what gives me joy is care giving,i humbled to have have found this opportunity and woukd be gtreatful if can serve in same capacity, thank you Nwabugwu.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Airdrie
Application as a special care giver.
| my name is Nwabugwu ,a certified first aid specialist ,cpr certified and a mental health certified from Florence Academy uk. i am pationate about taken care of the needy and always fulfiled when i am doing that.Though my initial academic training is gology but what gives me joy is care giving,i humbled to have have found this opportunity and woukd be gtreatful if can serve in same capacity, thank you Nwabugwu.
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From $14 per hour \
Daniel N.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Airdrie
Special Needs Caregiver
| What experience I have in care is from taking care of my father during his battle with cancer while also caring for my mother who has had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. While caring for my father, I had to help him take medication, give him morphine shots, help him to the bathroom, change clothes, clean himself, change bandages (had a bed sore that became an open wound), and other typical things that a nurse would typically do. I also have a ton of experience with kids as I have been an uncle since I was 2. Great with kids, helped take care of a few of my neices and nephews all the time. Am a child at heart most times so usually energetic and fun. I am also engaged and my fiance has a 2 year and 5 month old daughter whom I adore. We have her week on and week off and we have become great friends! She loves spending time with us and always looks forward to the weeks she has with us. I am honestly looking for a job/ life where I can make a difference, no matter how big or small. I'd much rather make an impact in someone's life than work a job that does nothing to help the world except make some rich person more money. I want to make a difference, even just to brighten someones day.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Airdrie
Special Needs Caregiver
| What experience I have in care is from taking care of my father during his battle with cancer while also caring for my mother who has had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. While caring for my father, I had to help him take medication, give him morphine shots, help him to the bathroom, change clothes, clean himself, change bandages (had a bed sore that became an open wound), and other typical things that a nurse would typically do. I also have a ton of experience with kids as I have been an uncle since I was 2. Great with kids, helped take care of a few of my neices and nephews all the time. Am a child at heart most times so usually energetic and fun. I am also engaged and my fiance has a 2 year and 5 month old daughter whom I adore. We have her week on and week off and we have become great friends! She loves spending time with us and always looks forward to the weeks she has with us. I am honestly looking for a job/ life where I can make a difference, no matter how big or small. I'd much rather make an impact in someone's life than work a job that does nothing to help the world except make some rich person more money. I want to make a difference, even just to brighten someones day.
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From $17 per hour \
Kevin B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Compassionate, caring,and patient support worker, excited for new opportunities!
| My name is Kevin, I have been active in the special needs community in Airdrie for some time now. I currently support a young man with Autism 3 days a week (tues-thurs) and am hoping for an additional client Monday and Friday during the day. I am passionate about inclusivity, and community for folks with special needs, and am looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you, and God bless.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Compassionate, caring,and patient support worker, excited for new opportunities!
| My name is Kevin, I have been active in the special needs community in Airdrie for some time now. I currently support a young man with Autism 3 days a week (tues-thurs) and am hoping for an additional client Monday and Friday during the day. I am passionate about inclusivity, and community for folks with special needs, and am looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you, and God bless.
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From $20 per hour \
Alexandra F.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a loving, energetic, welcoming, and caring woman who seeks in making every day special!
| I have worked in the special needs field for 3 years now! I love assisting in advocation for individual needs, learning about different interests, and overcoming day to day challenges.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a loving, energetic, welcoming, and caring woman who seeks in making every day special!
| I have worked in the special needs field for 3 years now! I love assisting in advocation for individual needs, learning about different interests, and overcoming day to day challenges.
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From $25 per hour \
Tracey B.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
Child development specialist
| Hi parents, my name is Tracey, and I have a large range of education, including ASL, social work, addiction counselling, and counselling psychology. I have worked with children and youth for over 10 years, including being a camp director, coordinator, and counsellor, a nanny, social service worker and child development advisor.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Airdrie
Child development specialist
| Hi parents, my name is Tracey, and I have a large range of education, including ASL, social work, addiction counselling, and counselling psychology. I have worked with children and youth for over 10 years, including being a camp director, coordinator, and counsellor, a nanny, social service worker and child development advisor.
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From $20 per hour \
Bionka C.
  • From $19 /hr
  • Airdrie
Caring caregiver
| Hello! My name is Bionka Clarke and I am 24 years old. I love working with animals and kids but have decided to branch out a bit. I have a cousin with autism and a close friend. I believe they deserve an extra amount of love and I think I'd be the perfect person for that!
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  • From $19 /hr
  • Airdrie
Caring caregiver
| Hello! My name is Bionka Clarke and I am 24 years old. I love working with animals and kids but have decided to branch out a bit. I have a cousin with autism and a close friend. I believe they deserve an extra amount of love and I think I'd be the perfect person for that!
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From $19 per hour \
Noshin B.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
1 Verification
| Providing high quality care for infants & children all ages (weekdays 7am-5pm) in Licensed & Accredited Happy Kids Family Dayhome in SE, King Heights, Airdrie. Also for in-home care available (weekdays 6pm-12am & weekends anytime) · Access to Subsidy · Access to alternate care · Extendable hours · Smoke free environment · Excellent references . Pick/drop offs from nearby schools . Before & after school care available . Very close to Yankee Valley Blvd · Trained child care provider, CPR, First Aid, Certified Early Childhood Educator, Degree in community rehabilitation & Disability program · Experience working in childcare centers and children with special needs. · Snacks and Lunch provided based on 4 Canadian food groups · Indoor and outdoor activities (arts & crafts, story telling, birthdays & Multiculture celebrations.....) & field trips (to zoo, corn maze, chuck-e-cheese, stampede kids day activities, farm, library, etc...) · structured & Planned programs to support children's development in all areas · Unscheduled monitoring · Spots are booked on first come first served bases
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Airdrie
| Providing high quality care for infants & children all ages (weekdays 7am-5pm) in Licensed & Accredited Happy Kids Family Dayhome in SE, King Heights, Airdrie. Also for in-home care available (weekdays 6pm-12am & weekends anytime) · Access to Subsidy · Access to alternate care · Extendable hours · Smoke free environment · Excellent references . Pick/drop offs from nearby schools . Before & after school care available . Very close to Yankee Valley Blvd · Trained child care provider, CPR, First Aid, Certified Early Childhood Educator, Degree in community rehabilitation & Disability program · Experience working in childcare centers and children with special needs. · Snacks and Lunch provided based on 4 Canadian food groups · Indoor and outdoor activities (arts & crafts, story telling, birthdays & Multiculture celebrations.....) & field trips (to zoo, corn maze, chuck-e-cheese, stampede kids day activities, farm, library, etc...) · structured & Planned programs to support children's development in all areas · Unscheduled monitoring · Spots are booked on first come first served bases
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From $25 per hour \
Tina S.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Airdrie
Positive and personal
| I have previously worked in resident homes with 1-7 people per home. I also have experience with out of home activities. Ranging with medical help, assistance of daily living, daily activities and events, bathing and hygiene care, meal prep, cleaning, and more. I have worked with all ages from infants to elder adults, and different levels of personal needs and abilities.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Airdrie
Positive and personal
| I have previously worked in resident homes with 1-7 people per home. I also have experience with out of home activities. Ranging with medical help, assistance of daily living, daily activities and events, bathing and hygiene care, meal prep, cleaning, and more. I have worked with all ages from infants to elder adults, and different levels of personal needs and abilities.
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From $30 per hour \
Maryuris E.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a speech therapist, energetic, positive, friendly, I love working with children, resilient
| Experienced audiologist and therapist; provides speech therapy to children experiencing language difficulties and to seniors recovering from strokes. I have worked for the last 5 years in close contact with psychiatric and neurological hospitals in Colombia, and in Canada I have had extraordinary experiences in Caregiver's work and child care. Based on my experience I can provide, support clients on daily on daily activities, and communicate clients on daily appropriate boundaries. My superiors and my coworkers appreciated my ability to problem solve, Team work, make good decisions and when needed, to multitask. Willing to learn Diversity cultural CPR/First AID, Food Safety Certification program, Child Abuse Registry, Adult Abuse Registry, Criminal Record Check, Child Care Assistant (CCA) in Manitoba. In addition to my experience, I have a solid education and a passion to achieve goals.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Airdrie
I am a speech therapist, energetic, positive, friendly, I love working with children, resilient
| Experienced audiologist and therapist; provides speech therapy to children experiencing language difficulties and to seniors recovering from strokes. I have worked for the last 5 years in close contact with psychiatric and neurological hospitals in Colombia, and in Canada I have had extraordinary experiences in Caregiver's work and child care. Based on my experience I can provide, support clients on daily on daily activities, and communicate clients on daily appropriate boundaries. My superiors and my coworkers appreciated my ability to problem solve, Team work, make good decisions and when needed, to multitask. Willing to learn Diversity cultural CPR/First AID, Food Safety Certification program, Child Abuse Registry, Adult Abuse Registry, Criminal Record Check, Child Care Assistant (CCA) in Manitoba. In addition to my experience, I have a solid education and a passion to achieve goals.
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From $16 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Airdrie

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