Special Needs Care in Owen Sound

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Jeannette T.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Owen Sound
Momma to a special needs son who's willing to help others
| I am a single Mom to my 4 year old son with a global delay, sensory processing disorder and selective eating disorder. I am a DSW - developmental services worker. I have worked with kids and adults with many different disabilities.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Owen Sound
Momma to a special needs son who's willing to help others
| I am a single Mom to my 4 year old son with a global delay, sensory processing disorder and selective eating disorder. I am a DSW - developmental services worker. I have worked with kids and adults with many different disabilities.
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From $12 per hour \
Christina B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Owen Sound
My youngest son had severe Cerebral Palsy. He was 8 when he passed away in 2008. I have extensive experience working with children and youths with special needs. I worked for Easter Seals for 5 years providing in home service to families. I worked for 8 years at a treatment center in Toronto with dual diagnoses children and youths. I was a nanny for 2 families. One child had severe Autism and the other Spastic Cerebral Palsy. I'm experienced with non verbal children was responsible for designing communication boards. I know a bit of sign language and willing to learn more if required. I have good knowledge on feeding tubes and suction machine; my son needed both.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Owen Sound
My youngest son had severe Cerebral Palsy. He was 8 when he passed away in 2008. I have extensive experience working with children and youths with special needs. I worked for Easter Seals for 5 years providing in home service to families. I worked for 8 years at a treatment center in Toronto with dual diagnoses children and youths. I was a nanny for 2 families. One child had severe Autism and the other Spastic Cerebral Palsy. I'm experienced with non verbal children was responsible for designing communication boards. I know a bit of sign language and willing to learn more if required. I have good knowledge on feeding tubes and suction machine; my son needed both.
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From $20 per hour \
Stephanie V.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Owen Sound
1 Verification
I am an enthusiastic, creative, individual looking to provide respite care to those in my community.
| I completed an advanced diploma in Child and Youth Care, followed by a graduate certificate in Autism and Behavioural Sciences, I have 5 years of respite experience as well as school board, ABA therapy experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Owen Sound
I am an enthusiastic, creative, individual looking to provide respite care to those in my community.
| I completed an advanced diploma in Child and Youth Care, followed by a graduate certificate in Autism and Behavioural Sciences, I have 5 years of respite experience as well as school board, ABA therapy experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
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From $25 per hour \
Julia W.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Owen Sound
Experienced empathetic caregiver
| I know how stressful it can be to find a competent, caring and compassionate person to care for a loved one with special needs. I have over 13 years experience working with individuals of all ages living with both cognitive and physical disabilities. I have worked for Ontario March of Dimes, Thames Valley Children's Centre, Community Living, long-term care facilities and various private companies. I am trained in applied behaviour analysis, intensive behaviour intervention, crisis prevention and intervention, first aid, CPR/AED. I am a trained Occupational/ Physical Therapy Assistant with a graduate certificate in psychosocial rehabilitation. I am available to provide various types of care including respite. I am an empathetic, responsible person and passionate about helping others. Please feel free to call with any questions.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Owen Sound
Experienced empathetic caregiver
| I know how stressful it can be to find a competent, caring and compassionate person to care for a loved one with special needs. I have over 13 years experience working with individuals of all ages living with both cognitive and physical disabilities. I have worked for Ontario March of Dimes, Thames Valley Children's Centre, Community Living, long-term care facilities and various private companies. I am trained in applied behaviour analysis, intensive behaviour intervention, crisis prevention and intervention, first aid, CPR/AED. I am a trained Occupational/ Physical Therapy Assistant with a graduate certificate in psychosocial rehabilitation. I am available to provide various types of care including respite. I am an empathetic, responsible person and passionate about helping others. Please feel free to call with any questions.
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From $15 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Owen Sound

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