Special Needs Care in Okotoks

Choose from 67 special needs caregivers in your area.
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Clara C.
1 Verification
  • From $22 /hr
  • Okotoks
1 Verification
Special Needs Worker
| Hi, my name is Clara, I am living in Okotoks. I completed my bachelor degree in sociology, as well completed my diploma in recreational therapy. I have experience with children through part time babysitting positions, as well I have experience with seniors as I completed a practicum experience volunteering in a seniors living facility. I am currently employed as a community access worker, working with adults with a wide range developmental and physical disabilities. I work with individuals and groups in community based programming, focusing on achieving individualized goals.
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  • From $22 /hr
  • Okotoks
Special Needs Worker
| Hi, my name is Clara, I am living in Okotoks. I completed my bachelor degree in sociology, as well completed my diploma in recreational therapy. I have experience with children through part time babysitting positions, as well I have experience with seniors as I completed a practicum experience volunteering in a seniors living facility. I am currently employed as a community access worker, working with adults with a wide range developmental and physical disabilities. I work with individuals and groups in community based programming, focusing on achieving individualized goals.
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From $22 per hour \
Mackenzie K.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Okotoks
My name is Mackenzie, I'm a 20-year-old college student.
| I am currently enrolled at NorQuest college and I am taking Recreational Therapy. I have some experience working with those with Autism spectrum disorder, Selective mutism, ADHD, and Developmental delays as both a babysitter and a gymnastics coach. I enjoy supporting, teaching, and caring for others. I would describe myself as energetic, reliable, and responsible. Something interesting about me is that I have been an elite-level gymnast since I was 13. This has allowed me to travel the world, work with a variety of different people, and has taught me discipline and hard work.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Okotoks
My name is Mackenzie, I'm a 20-year-old college student.
| I am currently enrolled at NorQuest college and I am taking Recreational Therapy. I have some experience working with those with Autism spectrum disorder, Selective mutism, ADHD, and Developmental delays as both a babysitter and a gymnastics coach. I enjoy supporting, teaching, and caring for others. I would describe myself as energetic, reliable, and responsible. Something interesting about me is that I have been an elite-level gymnast since I was 13. This has allowed me to travel the world, work with a variety of different people, and has taught me discipline and hard work.
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From $20 per hour \
Ashley K.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Okotoks
1 Verification
Senior Caregiver/ Child Caregiver / Housekeeper
| Hello my name is Ashley I have lots of health care experience, education and references. Over 7-8 years in nursing and rehabilitation.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Okotoks
Senior Caregiver/ Child Caregiver / Housekeeper
| Hello my name is Ashley I have lots of health care experience, education and references. Over 7-8 years in nursing and rehabilitation.
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From $25 per hour \
Venessa Joanne B.
Hired once
  • From $15 /hr
  • Okotoks
Hired once
nanny Caregiver Senior care provider
| has nursing background. Communication Skills. Solid communication skills are a basic foundation for any career. ... Emotional Stability. Nursing is a stressful job where traumatic situations are common. ... Empathy. ... Flexibility. ... Attention to Detail. ... Interpersonal Skills. ... Physical Endurance. ... Problem Solving Skills. With my nursing background, hope to better explore and learn the challenging situation of my clients.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Okotoks
nanny Caregiver Senior care provider
| has nursing background. Communication Skills. Solid communication skills are a basic foundation for any career. ... Emotional Stability. Nursing is a stressful job where traumatic situations are common. ... Empathy. ... Flexibility. ... Attention to Detail. ... Interpersonal Skills. ... Physical Endurance. ... Problem Solving Skills. With my nursing background, hope to better explore and learn the challenging situation of my clients.
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From $15 per hour \
Rochelle M.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Okotoks
Hello there, I am Rochelle!
| I am a loving and fun nanny, and am seeking a part time(evening and weekend) nanny job. I have over 10 years experience nannying. I left my last nanny job (6 kids) to pursue my career as an event planner. I currently work remotely M-F from my home in Strathmore for a non-profit. My duties have included; management of households (divorced family) transportation to school and appts or activities; grocery shopping snd cooking dinner/pre making lunches; play time as well as one on one learning with books or experiments; physical activity such as bike riding or going to the park or other places such as the zoo or science centre; healthy meal and snack preparation and helping feed the children; bedtime and bath time routines and personal hygiene help. I also am responsible for cleaning and laundry and caring for the family pets. I have many excellent childcare references throughout the 10 years I have been taking care of children, as well as letters of recommendation. My experience ranges from infant care up to adult. I have multiple years of family support worker experience with diabled children and adults.
... more
  • From $22 /hr
  • Okotoks
Hello there, I am Rochelle!
| I am a loving and fun nanny, and am seeking a part time(evening and weekend) nanny job. I have over 10 years experience nannying. I left my last nanny job (6 kids) to pursue my career as an event planner. I currently work remotely M-F from my home in Strathmore for a non-profit. My duties have included; management of households (divorced family) transportation to school and appts or activities; grocery shopping snd cooking dinner/pre making lunches; play time as well as one on one learning with books or experiments; physical activity such as bike riding or going to the park or other places such as the zoo or science centre; healthy meal and snack preparation and helping feed the children; bedtime and bath time routines and personal hygiene help. I also am responsible for cleaning and laundry and caring for the family pets. I have many excellent childcare references throughout the 10 years I have been taking care of children, as well as letters of recommendation. My experience ranges from infant care up to adult. I have multiple years of family support worker experience with diabled children and adults.
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From $22 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Okotoks is between $19 and $24
Kim P.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Okotoks
Respite Care Available in Okotoks
| I provide in-home respite care that gives you a break from ##########....## a regular or scheduled basis. Giving yourself the gift of respite makes you a better family caregiver because it can recharge you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Okotoks
Respite Care Available in Okotoks
| I provide in-home respite care that gives you a break from ##########....## a regular or scheduled basis. Giving yourself the gift of respite makes you a better family caregiver because it can recharge you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
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From $25 per hour \
Emma Y.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Okotoks
1 Verification
A dedicated and experienced childcare provider specializing in FASD and special needs
| Hi! I have 11 years experience in childcare, and 6+ years of experience providing care for children with special needs! I primarily specialize in FASD, ADHD, and anxiety. I am passionate aye about helping children and their families, and hope to be an asset to you and yours :)
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Okotoks
A dedicated and experienced childcare provider specializing in FASD and special needs
| Hi! I have 11 years experience in childcare, and 6+ years of experience providing care for children with special needs! I primarily specialize in FASD, ADHD, and anxiety. I am passionate aye about helping children and their families, and hope to be an asset to you and yours :)
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Okotoks

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