Special Needs Care in London

Choose from 167 special needs caregivers in your area.
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When do you need care?
Jessica N.
Hired once
  • From $16 /hr
  • London
Hired once
Child and youth worker. I am here to ensure families can get great support for their loved one!
| I am a Child and Youth worker for the last 14 years. I currently work for TVDSB as an Educational Assistant for the last 3 years, however before that I was working at Community Living London for 6 Years. On top of those two work places I had gathered lots of experiences from other opportunities in our community. I have work with many ages from 6 years old to 60 years old. Since a teen I knew that I wanted to provide families with the help with anyone in there family with special needs or any behavioral challenges. I have a wide range with dual diagnosis experience as well as I can provide personal care. I am trained for many years to also give medications if that is something that is needed. I want to provide the best care, continue to intergrade people into the community and have fun!
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  • From $16 /hr
  • London
Child and youth worker. I am here to ensure families can get great support for their loved one!
| I am a Child and Youth worker for the last 14 years. I currently work for TVDSB as an Educational Assistant for the last 3 years, however before that I was working at Community Living London for 6 Years. On top of those two work places I had gathered lots of experiences from other opportunities in our community. I have work with many ages from 6 years old to 60 years old. Since a teen I knew that I wanted to provide families with the help with anyone in there family with special needs or any behavioral challenges. I have a wide range with dual diagnosis experience as well as I can provide personal care. I am trained for many years to also give medications if that is something that is needed. I want to provide the best care, continue to intergrade people into the community and have fun!
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From $16 per hour \
Anett T.
Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Hired once
My name is Anett
| Completed Autism and behavioural science and have over 2 year of experience working with children with multiple ############.#### home completes social work
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
My name is Anett
| Completed Autism and behavioural science and have over 2 year of experience working with children with multiple ############.#### home completes social work
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From $20 per hour \
Pam T.
Hired 4 times
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Hired 4 times
I am a 60 year old retired rehabilitation assistant with many years experience.
| I am a 60 year old retired rehabilitation assistant with many years experience. My experience includes working with children with epilepsy, children with autism call me, children with ADHD and ADD, and extensive experience working with adults who have a traumatic or acquired brain injury
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
I am a 60 year old retired rehabilitation assistant with many years experience.
| I am a 60 year old retired rehabilitation assistant with many years experience. My experience includes working with children with epilepsy, children with autism call me, children with ADHD and ADD, and extensive experience working with adults who have a traumatic or acquired brain injury
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Pam is the most wonderful caregiver to my children who are flourishing and developing well in her care. My children adore Pam and she them. She is an expert house organizer, cleaner and a very talented cook. She can do whatever needs to be done with great skill. She has expert ideas on how to run things at home better and always is respectful of what is important to us parents. Her communication and collaboration is top notch. She is a true professional and very very kind person. Our family has found a gem and we are all happier and healthier because of Pam."
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Reviewed by Maria W.
From $20 per hour \
Justyna B.
  • From $18 /hr
  • London
I am a very passionate, dedicated and hard working individual, who loves working with children.
| Hello! I am in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Western University pursuing an honors specialization in French for Teaching and a minor in Disability Studies. I have an array of experience working with children and adults with special needs and developmental disabilities. - I was a part of the Best Buddies chapter in high school. - I taught goal oriented swimming lessons to both a child and adult for SWAM and Tidal Waves for two years. - I was a group leader/camp counselor for Camp Trillium where I had the opportunity to work one on one with three children; two children with autism and one child with down syndrome. - I supported a woman with autism aiding with carrying out day to day tasks and personal care, engaging her in activities promoting independence and developing social skills.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • London
I am a very passionate, dedicated and hard working individual, who loves working with children.
| Hello! I am in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Western University pursuing an honors specialization in French for Teaching and a minor in Disability Studies. I have an array of experience working with children and adults with special needs and developmental disabilities. - I was a part of the Best Buddies chapter in high school. - I taught goal oriented swimming lessons to both a child and adult for SWAM and Tidal Waves for two years. - I was a group leader/camp counselor for Camp Trillium where I had the opportunity to work one on one with three children; two children with autism and one child with down syndrome. - I supported a woman with autism aiding with carrying out day to day tasks and personal care, engaging her in activities promoting independence and developing social skills.
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From $18 per hour \
Nicola H.
Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Hired once
Certified DIR Floortime Therapist & Play-centred Respite Provider
| I am a certified DIR Floortime Therapist with experience working with children with Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Blindness/Low Vision, and intellectual disabilities. I worked as a Floortime Therapist-Educator and Parent Support Coordinator at Canada's only DIR Floortime school in Mississauga for the past 3 years, and previously worked as a highly sought after respite provider and caregiver. I am moving to London to attend grad school at Western and am looking for casual/part-time work as a Floortime Therapist and/or respite worker. I am passionate about meeting a child where they are at and following their lead. I believe in creating a meaningful relationship with the child or teen I am working with, and creating experiences which focus on attuning to individual differences, play, sensory exploration, and most importantly fun!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Certified DIR Floortime Therapist & Play-centred Respite Provider
| I am a certified DIR Floortime Therapist with experience working with children with Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Blindness/Low Vision, and intellectual disabilities. I worked as a Floortime Therapist-Educator and Parent Support Coordinator at Canada's only DIR Floortime school in Mississauga for the past 3 years, and previously worked as a highly sought after respite provider and caregiver. I am moving to London to attend grad school at Western and am looking for casual/part-time work as a Floortime Therapist and/or respite worker. I am passionate about meeting a child where they are at and following their lead. I believe in creating a meaningful relationship with the child or teen I am working with, and creating experiences which focus on attuning to individual differences, play, sensory exploration, and most importantly fun!
... more
It was very clear from the onset that Nicola and our 15 month old daughter hit it off quite nicely. She made her laugh, smile, and enjoy her time immensely. It was quite refreshing to see a caregiver with such passion and enthusiasm for her role in caring for our little one. Looking forward to our next adventure with such a fun loving caregiver."
... "more
Reviewed by bOyGn o.
From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in London is between $19 and $24
Evan H.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
Very outgoing, patient and responsible!
| My name is Evan, and I graduate from Western with a Honours double major in Psychology and Disability Studies. I have significant experience working with children and youth with different needs and lifestyles, and I hope to continue to gain experience through providing my friendship and helpfulness through Care.com! I am very outgoing, responsible and patient along with many other positive traits that allow me to make connections easily. Please feel free to message me and I can also provide references - I'd be happy to chat with you!
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • London
Very outgoing, patient and responsible!
| My name is Evan, and I graduate from Western with a Honours double major in Psychology and Disability Studies. I have significant experience working with children and youth with different needs and lifestyles, and I hope to continue to gain experience through providing my friendship and helpfulness through Care.com! I am very outgoing, responsible and patient along with many other positive traits that allow me to make connections easily. Please feel free to message me and I can also provide references - I'd be happy to chat with you!
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From $17 per hour \
Alex H.
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Friendly Support Worker and Educator
| I have many years of experience being a friend and advocate for neurodiverse individuals. Additionally I have experience as a tutor and educator, most recently teaching music production to neurodiverse students of all ages. I teach classes privately through my program The Production Project and have collaborated with Project Autism Canada to bring classes to their community. My caregiving style is to be a friend and mentor with those that I work with through sharing interests such as music, video games, film, outdoor activities and cooking. Although this is a new career path for me, I'm eager to engage and be a friend and support to whoever needs it.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Friendly Support Worker and Educator
| I have many years of experience being a friend and advocate for neurodiverse individuals. Additionally I have experience as a tutor and educator, most recently teaching music production to neurodiverse students of all ages. I teach classes privately through my program The Production Project and have collaborated with Project Autism Canada to bring classes to their community. My caregiving style is to be a friend and mentor with those that I work with through sharing interests such as music, video games, film, outdoor activities and cooking. Although this is a new career path for me, I'm eager to engage and be a friend and support to whoever needs it.
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From $20 per hour \
Sabina L.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
Hi my name is Sabina, I am currently a full time student at Fanshawe in the child and youth care
| I am also a Social Service Worker and have work with adult and children that have developmental and intellectual disabilities for 3 years.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Hi my name is Sabina, I am currently a full time student at Fanshawe in the child and youth care
| I am also a Social Service Worker and have work with adult and children that have developmental and intellectual disabilities for 3 years.
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From $20 per hour \
Celina M.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
live-out nanny
| Hello, My name is Celina I am part of a large family and as one of the oldest grandchildren, I've always been surrounded by children of all ages. I was always depended upon on as the babysitter and my relationship with my cousins has developed strongly. I am a positive role model and have also sponsored a cousin on her confirmation. When I was five years old my brother took sick and has since become reliant on all measures to stay alive. I have learned to be a caregiver to his needs and in turn have developed a love to help those in need, primilarily children. For six years I have worked during the summer months for Community Living as a camp counselor for children with disabilities. I have graduated from Fanshawe College with my PSW certificate and I am currently a second-year student at Fanshawe College working on a nursing degree so I can continue a lifetime of helping children and doing what I love. I am certified in cpr/first-aid HCP. Please Call/text me.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • London
live-out nanny
| Hello, My name is Celina I am part of a large family and as one of the oldest grandchildren, I've always been surrounded by children of all ages. I was always depended upon on as the babysitter and my relationship with my cousins has developed strongly. I am a positive role model and have also sponsored a cousin on her confirmation. When I was five years old my brother took sick and has since become reliant on all measures to stay alive. I have learned to be a caregiver to his needs and in turn have developed a love to help those in need, primilarily children. For six years I have worked during the summer months for Community Living as a camp counselor for children with disabilities. I have graduated from Fanshawe College with my PSW certificate and I am currently a second-year student at Fanshawe College working on a nursing degree so I can continue a lifetime of helping children and doing what I love. I am certified in cpr/first-aid HCP. Please Call/text me.
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From $15 per hour \
Kelly-lynn L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • London
A live in residential home Manager/caregiver for adults with special needs. Seeks a new road.
| I have been calling for others from childhood. My mother cared for others. Wanting just like Mom, I would hello, carrying this personality throughout my years. It is my life purpose. At the end of the day I feel great knowing I've made a positive difference in others life. Isn't that what makes the world a better place? Or at least in the world of the persons I make a point to assist with.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • London
A live in residential home Manager/caregiver for adults with special needs. Seeks a new road.
| I have been calling for others from childhood. My mother cared for others. Wanting just like Mom, I would hello, carrying this personality throughout my years. It is my life purpose. At the end of the day I feel great knowing I've made a positive difference in others life. Isn't that what makes the world a better place? Or at least in the world of the persons I make a point to assist with.
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From $18 per hour \
Marlee Kianne S.
  • From $17 /hr
  • London
Please refer on my resume. Thank you!
| Currently in Health Sciences Diploma. Goal and fitness oriented type of person. I have a lot of certifications recently taken and willing to give references. I am looking forward to get in touch with you. Please refer on my resume. Thank you!
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  • From $17 /hr
  • London
Please refer on my resume. Thank you!
| Currently in Health Sciences Diploma. Goal and fitness oriented type of person. I have a lot of certifications recently taken and willing to give references. I am looking forward to get in touch with you. Please refer on my resume. Thank you!
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From $17 per hour \
Trina L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • London
*Pick me! *The PSW with a big heart!!!!
| 4 years experience LTC, 1 year experience private care. Reliable, Cultured & Dependable. Love taking care of people and animals !
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • London
*Pick me! *The PSW with a big heart!!!!
| 4 years experience LTC, 1 year experience private care. Reliable, Cultured & Dependable. Love taking care of people and animals !
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From $18 per hour \
Soffia D.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
Experienced nanny looking for a job
| I have short red hair blue eyes and a very kind heart I'm amazing with kids I'm very energetic and love to play games cook and clean
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  • From $14 /hr
  • London
Experienced nanny looking for a job
| I have short red hair blue eyes and a very kind heart I'm amazing with kids I'm very energetic and love to play games cook and clean
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From $14 per hour \
Sydney S.
Hired once
  • From $12 /hr
  • London
Hired once
18 year old female passionate and enthusiastic caregiver.
| I am an 18 year old who just finished her first year at the University of Guelph in the Child, Youth and Family Program. I wish to continue this program for the next 3 years and then go on to get my master's degree in Occupational Therapy and hope to become an Occupational therapist one day! I have a passion for working with children and youth of all ages, I love watching them grow and learn and finally, if there is one thing I can do by working with children it would be to put a smile on their faces.
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • London
18 year old female passionate and enthusiastic caregiver.
| I am an 18 year old who just finished her first year at the University of Guelph in the Child, Youth and Family Program. I wish to continue this program for the next 3 years and then go on to get my master's degree in Occupational Therapy and hope to become an Occupational therapist one day! I have a passion for working with children and youth of all ages, I love watching them grow and learn and finally, if there is one thing I can do by working with children it would be to put a smile on their faces.
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From $12 per hour \
Julie D.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
Hello! My name is Julie Dickison.
| Hello, My name is Julie. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the Thames Valley District School Board. My background includes 18 years in brain injury rehabilitation, developing programs for adults who reside in a residential program, 6 years as an Educational Assistant with TVDSB and 3 years working at St. Joseph's Hospital in the dual diagnosis program. My speciality is working with and helping to develop strategies and programs for students on the autism spectrum. My work at the board of education, has been exclusively working 1:1 with students on the spectrum in both in an integrated classroom and developmental classroom. My passion is really about developing strategies that focus on the positive! Too often I find that we focus on what the child/adult can not do vs on building on what they CAN do and the strengths they have. *IMPORTANT NOTE* I do not drive, so only looking to work in London. For continued care.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • London
Hello! My name is Julie Dickison.
| Hello, My name is Julie. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the Thames Valley District School Board. My background includes 18 years in brain injury rehabilitation, developing programs for adults who reside in a residential program, 6 years as an Educational Assistant with TVDSB and 3 years working at St. Joseph's Hospital in the dual diagnosis program. My speciality is working with and helping to develop strategies and programs for students on the autism spectrum. My work at the board of education, has been exclusively working 1:1 with students on the spectrum in both in an integrated classroom and developmental classroom. My passion is really about developing strategies that focus on the positive! Too often I find that we focus on what the child/adult can not do vs on building on what they CAN do and the strengths they have. *IMPORTANT NOTE* I do not drive, so only looking to work in London. For continued care.
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From $20 per hour \
Linda E.
  • From $30 /hr
  • London
Personal support work
| I have worked in a nursing home for Over 16 months as a health care assistance for the elderly in Cambridge, United kingdom after undergoing training in the field. I moved on to being a support worker where I attended to young teenagers with learning disabilities.( epilepsy, autism, down syndrome.... etc) prior to relocating to Canada. I will love to continue in the same field because I find it peaceful and loving to assist and care for those with special needs. I can back up my write up with reference from my line manager and certificates acquired from my training on moving and handling, food safety handling , medication, health and safety........ etc
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  • From $30 /hr
  • London
Personal support work
| I have worked in a nursing home for Over 16 months as a health care assistance for the elderly in Cambridge, United kingdom after undergoing training in the field. I moved on to being a support worker where I attended to young teenagers with learning disabilities.( epilepsy, autism, down syndrome.... etc) prior to relocating to Canada. I will love to continue in the same field because I find it peaceful and loving to assist and care for those with special needs. I can back up my write up with reference from my line manager and certificates acquired from my training on moving and handling, food safety handling , medication, health and safety........ etc
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From $30 per hour \
Kelly H.
  • From $23 /hr
  • London
Hi, My name is Kelly and look forward to speaking with you!
| I graduated from Fanshawe College's Developmental Services Worker program in 2015 and have been working within group homes providing care to adults with developmental disabilities and mental health for 3 years. I am extremely passionate about an inclusive community and believe that everybody has the right to live their life to the fullest. I am very dedicated to all people whom I have supported and as a result, building and harvesting meaningful relationships. I am a happy, down to earth person who believes everyday should begin and end with a smile, with lots of laughing in between. I have worked in an adult group home for 3 years as a Developmental Service Worker and for 1 year as a Case Manager. Before I was an Educational Assistant with a School Board assisting a Grade 1 child with an attention disorder. I have 11+ years personal experience working with children as my nephew has Autism and I have helped with his rehabilitation. If you feel as I might be a good fit, feel free to message me! I look forward to meeting your family!
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • London
Hi, My name is Kelly and look forward to speaking with you!
| I graduated from Fanshawe College's Developmental Services Worker program in 2015 and have been working within group homes providing care to adults with developmental disabilities and mental health for 3 years. I am extremely passionate about an inclusive community and believe that everybody has the right to live their life to the fullest. I am very dedicated to all people whom I have supported and as a result, building and harvesting meaningful relationships. I am a happy, down to earth person who believes everyday should begin and end with a smile, with lots of laughing in between. I have worked in an adult group home for 3 years as a Developmental Service Worker and for 1 year as a Case Manager. Before I was an Educational Assistant with a School Board assisting a Grade 1 child with an attention disorder. I have 11+ years personal experience working with children as my nephew has Autism and I have helped with his rehabilitation. If you feel as I might be a good fit, feel free to message me! I look forward to meeting your family!
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From $23 per hour \
Merin M.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
Caring helping and make valuable and memorable time.
| Got three years of experience in social work field as i am a graduate in social work and worked with differently disabled people.
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • London
Caring helping and make valuable and memorable time.
| Got three years of experience in social work field as i am a graduate in social work and worked with differently disabled people.
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From $12 per hour \
Reese L.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • London
1 Verification
A down to earth individual ready to give back by caring for the most kind hearted people.
| Hello! My name is Reese and I am a caring, gentle soul that has a drive to give back to his community through caring for our people & those we consider closest. I am a 19 year old male business student but don't let that scare you I am one of the most down to earth and genuine person you will ever meet. I grew up in a large family of five with some being added during the duration of my life due to being in a split family so I've cared for children since before I can remember. It didn't stop there though, due to my level of maturity I was taking babysitting classes at 11 and started babysitting other peoples children soon after, scoring my first jobs doing something I loved. I don't want to stop at children though I have a huge drive to give back to our community through caring for our people by pinpointing what makes them passionate, happy, have motivation and thesis for all life in general, this earth needs more tender love and care. So I would also love the opportunity to not only care for our future through helping youth but also seniors, pets, plants and whatever you consider family. Lots of love, best regards and I hope to meet you soon. Reese
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  • From $14 /hr
  • London
A down to earth individual ready to give back by caring for the most kind hearted people.
| Hello! My name is Reese and I am a caring, gentle soul that has a drive to give back to his community through caring for our people & those we consider closest. I am a 19 year old male business student but don't let that scare you I am one of the most down to earth and genuine person you will ever meet. I grew up in a large family of five with some being added during the duration of my life due to being in a split family so I've cared for children since before I can remember. It didn't stop there though, due to my level of maturity I was taking babysitting classes at 11 and started babysitting other peoples children soon after, scoring my first jobs doing something I loved. I don't want to stop at children though I have a huge drive to give back to our community through caring for our people by pinpointing what makes them passionate, happy, have motivation and thesis for all life in general, this earth needs more tender love and care. So I would also love the opportunity to not only care for our future through helping youth but also seniors, pets, plants and whatever you consider family. Lots of love, best regards and I hope to meet you soon. Reese
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From $14 per hour \
Kate E.
  • From $30 /hr
  • London
Pediatric NP/RN
| Hi, I am Kate. I am 33 and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (currently studying for my licensing exam). I have 9 years of RN experience in pediatric oncology, ICU and cardiac ICU. I am looking for some interim employment prior to starting my new career in January. I am comfortable caring for infants and children of all ages including medically fragile children. I am happy to do light housework and prepare meals - whatever I can do to make your life easier! I am registered with The College of Nurses of Ontario and have a current VSS background check. I have a valid driver's license, vehicle and my CPR is up to date. Given my extensive pediatric experience, my rate is $35/h. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • London
Pediatric NP/RN
| Hi, I am Kate. I am 33 and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (currently studying for my licensing exam). I have 9 years of RN experience in pediatric oncology, ICU and cardiac ICU. I am looking for some interim employment prior to starting my new career in January. I am comfortable caring for infants and children of all ages including medically fragile children. I am happy to do light housework and prepare meals - whatever I can do to make your life easier! I am registered with The College of Nurses of Ontario and have a current VSS background check. I have a valid driver's license, vehicle and my CPR is up to date. Given my extensive pediatric experience, my rate is $35/h. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
From $30 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in London

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