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Reese L.
London N5W, Ontario
From $14 /hr
year exp.
From $14
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Reese

24 years old
Hello! My name is Reese and I am a caring, gentle soul that has a drive to give back to his community through caring for our people & those we consider closest. I am a 19 year old male business student but don't let that scare you I am one of the most down to earth and genuine person you will ever meet. I grew up in a large family of five with some being added during the duration of my life due to being in a split family so I've cared for children since before I can remember. It didn't stop there though, due to my level of maturity I was taking babysitting classes at 11 and started babysitting other peoples children soon after, scoring my first jobs doing something I loved. I don't want to stop at children though I have a huge drive to give back to our community through caring for our people by pinpointing what makes them passionate, happy, have motivation and thesis for all life in general, this earth needs more tender love and care. So I would also love the opportunity to not only care for our future through helping youth but also seniors, pets, plants and whatever you consider family. Lots of love, best regards and I hope to meet you soon. Reese
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Willing to care for sick children

Experience caring for

People living with

Autism spectrum disorder
Cerebral palsy
Speech delay
Developmental delays

Age groups

Teenager (13-19 years)
Child (2-12 years)
Adult (20-64 years)
Senior (65+)
Infant (up to 12 months)
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Special needs care

Bed Baths
Positive Behavioral Support
Assistive Technology
Bathing Grooming Hygiene
Bladder Management Assistance

Additional services

Nursing & health care
Errands / Shopping
Meal preparation
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Special Needs Care Training
CPR Certification
Personal Support Worker (PSW)
High school