Special Needs Care in L'ile-Perrot

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Dyana H.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • L'ile-Perrot
1 Verification
My name is Dyana & my goal is to teach life skills, to help w/ personal & social development.
| My passion is helping people. I would like to make a difference. Some of my interests include; *Swimming *Yoga *Movies Some of my skills and experience include; *Coordinating and planning activities *Calendar and schedule management *Social development techniques *Performance analysis *Communications *Patient education *Training and mentoring *Experience with group and individual sessions *Conflict resolution techniques *Safety and compliance
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • L'ile-Perrot
My name is Dyana & my goal is to teach life skills, to help w/ personal & social development.
| My passion is helping people. I would like to make a difference. Some of my interests include; *Swimming *Yoga *Movies Some of my skills and experience include; *Coordinating and planning activities *Calendar and schedule management *Social development techniques *Performance analysis *Communications *Patient education *Training and mentoring *Experience with group and individual sessions *Conflict resolution techniques *Safety and compliance
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in L'ile-Perrot

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