Special Needs Care in Crossfield

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Dominique L.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Crossfield
Supportive, optimistic and patient caregiver!
| I’m a 26 year old mom to 2 amazing boys! My oldest is 5 years old and youngest is 2 and a half. Both my boys are with me on a day to basis along side being a special needs aide for two 25 year olds. They are both loving and kind and we would love to add someone to our dynamic! Growing up in a house hold with two special needs brothers is where my passion for this work field really begun. Learning to understand individuals who aren’t always able to express themselves has taught me not only patience but compassion and empathy. Being a special needs caregiver has helped me grow as person and has given me a different perspective. My skills included but aren’t limited to problem solving, kindness and understanding. I love planning activities to provide a variety of options to ensure individuals are living a full life up to their potential. One of the reasons I love being a special needs care giver is the diversity it provides. I am constantly growing and learning. Currently looking for short term throughout the summer but open to full term if our dynamic can suit your needs! Looking forward to hearing from you!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Crossfield
Supportive, optimistic and patient caregiver!
| I’m a 26 year old mom to 2 amazing boys! My oldest is 5 years old and youngest is 2 and a half. Both my boys are with me on a day to basis along side being a special needs aide for two 25 year olds. They are both loving and kind and we would love to add someone to our dynamic! Growing up in a house hold with two special needs brothers is where my passion for this work field really begun. Learning to understand individuals who aren’t always able to express themselves has taught me not only patience but compassion and empathy. Being a special needs caregiver has helped me grow as person and has given me a different perspective. My skills included but aren’t limited to problem solving, kindness and understanding. I love planning activities to provide a variety of options to ensure individuals are living a full life up to their potential. One of the reasons I love being a special needs care giver is the diversity it provides. I am constantly growing and learning. Currently looking for short term throughout the summer but open to full term if our dynamic can suit your needs! Looking forward to hearing from you!
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Crossfield

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