Special Needs Care in Ardrossan

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Amanda K.
Hired once
  • From $25 /hr
  • Ardrossan
Hired once
Amanda, Special needs caretaker professional.
| Follows accepted principles, practices, rules, and regulations in regard to feeding, toileting, lifting, and caring for special needs individual.  Performs other duties assigned, using the same effort, skill, and responsibilities when work requirements are changed or modified. Worked as part of the camp team in supporting the child with special needs I have recently moved back from Victoria where I was working with adolescent special needs boy. Previously in Calgary I was working with a young girl with a very rare disease. I am proficient in daily duties I will draw up a schedule that best fits the clients needs Can access nutrition diet plans Organization Meal prep Assistance doing daily duties Entertainment ie going to parks, swimming pools other leisure activities Please contact me for further information
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Ardrossan
Amanda, Special needs caretaker professional.
| Follows accepted principles, practices, rules, and regulations in regard to feeding, toileting, lifting, and caring for special needs individual.  Performs other duties assigned, using the same effort, skill, and responsibilities when work requirements are changed or modified. Worked as part of the camp team in supporting the child with special needs I have recently moved back from Victoria where I was working with adolescent special needs boy. Previously in Calgary I was working with a young girl with a very rare disease. I am proficient in daily duties I will draw up a schedule that best fits the clients needs Can access nutrition diet plans Organization Meal prep Assistance doing daily duties Entertainment ie going to parks, swimming pools other leisure activities Please contact me for further information
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Ardrossan

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