Pet Care in Ardrossan

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Naichal C.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
1 Verification
I love animals I used to watch everyone’s pets growing up as a side hustle turned it into a job
| I have cared for all types of animals , of all ages , of all conditions always willing to take on something new
... more
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
I love animals I used to watch everyone’s pets growing up as a side hustle turned it into a job
| I have cared for all types of animals , of all ages , of all conditions always willing to take on something new
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From $10 \
Zoette D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
1 Verification
Hard working, animal loving human who wants to meet more creatures!
| I've lived on a farm for 20+ years working with a range of farm animals such as cows, buffalo, goats, alpacas, a range of farm birds, donkeys, and horses. I worked in a dog grooming salon for five years working with, grooming, and looking after a range of dog sizes, breeds, and behaviours. I have also owned many pets throughout my life such as bunnies, lizards, fish, snakes, cats, dogs, and a parrot. I can administer medication. Rates are susceptible to change.
... more
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
Hard working, animal loving human who wants to meet more creatures!
| I've lived on a farm for 20+ years working with a range of farm animals such as cows, buffalo, goats, alpacas, a range of farm birds, donkeys, and horses. I worked in a dog grooming salon for five years working with, grooming, and looking after a range of dog sizes, breeds, and behaviours. I have also owned many pets throughout my life such as bunnies, lizards, fish, snakes, cats, dogs, and a parrot. I can administer medication. Rates are susceptible to change.
... more
From $10 \
Kailyn S.
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
Responsible pet/house sitter (overnights included if needed)
| I have grown up on a hobby farm so I am very comfortable and knowledgeable on animal care. I have pet sat/ house sat for the past 4 or so years doing anywhere from an overnight stay to a 2 month stay. I care for any and all animals whether you are in town or out on a farm. Prices vary depending on the amount and type of animals I will be caring for.
... more
  • From $10
  • Ardrossan
Responsible pet/house sitter (overnights included if needed)
| I have grown up on a hobby farm so I am very comfortable and knowledgeable on animal care. I have pet sat/ house sat for the past 4 or so years doing anywhere from an overnight stay to a 2 month stay. I care for any and all animals whether you are in town or out on a farm. Prices vary depending on the amount and type of animals I will be caring for.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Ardrossan

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