Special Needs Care in Alexandria

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Samantha V.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Alexandria
My name is Samantha. I have a diploma in SSW currently in my last semester of ECE.
| I worked in Kingston with home base housing but quickly realized my calling was with working with children. I have always babysat and tutored children from a young age. I have worked with children who have adhd, autism, and Down syndrome. I have experience with house keeping and cooking. I have my very own vehicle, that is safe and reliable for my own transportation or those who need to be transported! I’m flexible, enthusiastic and helpful. I’m open to learning new skills and opportunities that help others.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Alexandria
My name is Samantha. I have a diploma in SSW currently in my last semester of ECE.
| I worked in Kingston with home base housing but quickly realized my calling was with working with children. I have always babysat and tutored children from a young age. I have worked with children who have adhd, autism, and Down syndrome. I have experience with house keeping and cooking. I have my very own vehicle, that is safe and reliable for my own transportation or those who need to be transported! I’m flexible, enthusiastic and helpful. I’m open to learning new skills and opportunities that help others.
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From $16 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Alexandria

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