Child Care in Alexandria

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Samantha V.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Alexandria
Enthusiastic, happy, empathetic, understanding, organized.
| I’m studying For my second diploma in early childhood education, I’m previously graduated with my saw diploma. ’m student teaching right now. Growing up i babysat often, cooked and cleaned while babysitting, I have a niece and nephew I have care for since birth. I take them for sleep overs at least once a month. I cook, clean, bathe, and wash their laundry for when their parents pick them up. I love children which is why I’m choosing the field. I’m very empathetic, and caring.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Alexandria
Enthusiastic, happy, empathetic, understanding, organized.
| I’m studying For my second diploma in early childhood education, I’m previously graduated with my saw diploma. ’m student teaching right now. Growing up i babysat often, cooked and cleaned while babysitting, I have a niece and nephew I have care for since birth. I take them for sleep overs at least once a month. I cook, clean, bathe, and wash their laundry for when their parents pick them up. I love children which is why I’m choosing the field. I’m very empathetic, and caring.
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From $12 per hour \
  • From $12 /hr
  • Alexandria
Children care and home
| I have experience in childcare; which includes food, clothing, education in good manners, preparation for school, and recreation. I am a teacher and I like to work with children and take care of all the dependencies of the home. It will be an honor for me to work for your family.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Alexandria
Children care and home
| I have experience in childcare; which includes food, clothing, education in good manners, preparation for school, and recreation. I am a teacher and I like to work with children and take care of all the dependencies of the home. It will be an honor for me to work for your family.
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From $12 per hour \
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Child Care in Alexandria

When do you need child care?