Senior Care in Salmo

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Donna B.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Salmo
1 Verification
My compassion is for senior.
| I worked as a shut in hair dresser for over ten years. At Columbia View Lodge in Trail as a hairdresser and house keeper, Kiro manner in Trail before it closed its doors and popular Ridge in Trail. I am compassionate .I worked with many different levels of care such a Alzheimer's which was my favorite. I helped my elderly neighbor with house hold chores, dishes dinner, cleaning up her accidents. taking her out for drives etc..laundry going to the doctor pretty much all of ##..#### of charge for she had no one to help her. She has since passed. I have other neighbours in the 70,80 I help check in on. I do believe if you hired me you would not regret it. Thank you for your time..looking forward to hearing back..enjoy your weekend Donna Bennett
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Salmo
My compassion is for senior.
| I worked as a shut in hair dresser for over ten years. At Columbia View Lodge in Trail as a hairdresser and house keeper, Kiro manner in Trail before it closed its doors and popular Ridge in Trail. I am compassionate .I worked with many different levels of care such a Alzheimer's which was my favorite. I helped my elderly neighbor with house hold chores, dishes dinner, cleaning up her accidents. taking her out for drives etc..laundry going to the doctor pretty much all of ##..#### of charge for she had no one to help her. She has since passed. I have other neighbours in the 70,80 I help check in on. I do believe if you hired me you would not regret it. Thank you for your time..looking forward to hearing back..enjoy your weekend Donna Bennett
... more
From $14 per hour \
Lori C.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Salmo
I am very compassionate and a great listener
| I am a 54 year old woman and am very caring and organized. I have experience with mentally challenged individuals as my older brother is mentally challenged. I have 3 grown kids and 7 grandkids. I work well with others and am a great listener.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Salmo
I am very compassionate and a great listener
| I am a 54 year old woman and am very caring and organized. I have experience with mentally challenged individuals as my older brother is mentally challenged. I have 3 grown kids and 7 grandkids. I work well with others and am a great listener.
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Salmo

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