Senior Care in Lantzville

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Kimberly O.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $25 /hr
  • Lantzville
1 Verification Hired 2 times
Loving Kindness, compassionate, empathetic, positive professional person. Reliable with references.
| 4 years hands on experience with seniors care; companionship, excellent listener, empathic, meal prep, and medication reminders. I have an upbeat, energetic, can do attitude with a great sense of humour! Will take your loved one to their appointments, for outings, shopping, run errands and or a holiday companion. Able to stay overnight for relief for care, look after the home, animals and can live in home. I recently cared for three seniors, 2, I cared for until they passed and the other recently moved away. Ran errands, medical supplies, attended all doctors appointments and assisted with bathing (my mom), also there to ensure no falls, reminders of medications and provided companionship. I have experience, First Aid CPR, Food Safe additional certificates please request and willing to take additional training and education if required. I have worked in a professional field most of my life so please don't hesitate to call me and I would be happy to answer any questions. Clean Criminal Record with the venerable sector. Can provide references, very kind, compassionate, empathetic, positive with a great sense of humour. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Lantzville
Loving Kindness, compassionate, empathetic, positive professional person. Reliable with references.
| 4 years hands on experience with seniors care; companionship, excellent listener, empathic, meal prep, and medication reminders. I have an upbeat, energetic, can do attitude with a great sense of humour! Will take your loved one to their appointments, for outings, shopping, run errands and or a holiday companion. Able to stay overnight for relief for care, look after the home, animals and can live in home. I recently cared for three seniors, 2, I cared for until they passed and the other recently moved away. Ran errands, medical supplies, attended all doctors appointments and assisted with bathing (my mom), also there to ensure no falls, reminders of medications and provided companionship. I have experience, First Aid CPR, Food Safe additional certificates please request and willing to take additional training and education if required. I have worked in a professional field most of my life so please don't hesitate to call me and I would be happy to answer any questions. Clean Criminal Record with the venerable sector. Can provide references, very kind, compassionate, empathetic, positive with a great sense of humour. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
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Kimberly is very good at her job and pleasant to have around as well. The house is clean and done in good time too. She adjusted her schedule to fit me in on a regular basis."
... "more
Reviewed by Shirley W.
From $25 per hour \
Paige T.
  • From $11 /hr
  • Lantzville
school in January for a community support working and senior care is one of the fields I want into.
| I have experience with seniors I take care of my grandparents very often and have even escorted my grandma to Las Vegas (she is in a wheel chair)
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  • From $11 /hr
  • Lantzville
school in January for a community support working and senior care is one of the fields I want into.
| I have experience with seniors I take care of my grandparents very often and have even escorted my grandma to Las Vegas (she is in a wheel chair)
... more
From $11 per hour \
Deborah W.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Lantzville
Caring and Fun Companion - Let Me Help You!
| Hello! I am a retired lady who has always had a connection with the elderly. I love helping them & being a friend, someone they can simply sit and talk with. I am currently a companion to an elderly lady who is in the early stages of dementia. I spend 8 hours a week with her, 4 hours on Mondays and 4 hours on Thursdays. Mondays are for doing errands, appts, banking, grocery shopping etc. Thursdays are fun day! We go on outings to various places. Somedays we go for lunch & some days I take lunch over, (homemade chili, soups, sandwiches, etc.), or just some homemade baking to share with a cup of tea. Some days we go for a nice long drive through the countryside or along the coast. My companion is a gardener, as am I, and so we have lots in common. This Thursday we are making pear freezer jam, with her pears! We play scrabble, play cards and do jigsaw puzzles. I am up to whatever she would like to do and plan our days in advance. I keep in close touch with what little family she has left. I have no certified nursing skills but always make sure she has taken her daily meds, that she gets to her doctor appts, pick up her prescriptions, etc. Being a companion is what I wish to do in my retirement years. I truly love it.
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Lantzville
Caring and Fun Companion - Let Me Help You!
| Hello! I am a retired lady who has always had a connection with the elderly. I love helping them & being a friend, someone they can simply sit and talk with. I am currently a companion to an elderly lady who is in the early stages of dementia. I spend 8 hours a week with her, 4 hours on Mondays and 4 hours on Thursdays. Mondays are for doing errands, appts, banking, grocery shopping etc. Thursdays are fun day! We go on outings to various places. Somedays we go for lunch & some days I take lunch over, (homemade chili, soups, sandwiches, etc.), or just some homemade baking to share with a cup of tea. Some days we go for a nice long drive through the countryside or along the coast. My companion is a gardener, as am I, and so we have lots in common. This Thursday we are making pear freezer jam, with her pears! We play scrabble, play cards and do jigsaw puzzles. I am up to whatever she would like to do and plan our days in advance. I keep in close touch with what little family she has left. I have no certified nursing skills but always make sure she has taken her daily meds, that she gets to her doctor appts, pick up her prescriptions, etc. Being a companion is what I wish to do in my retirement years. I truly love it.
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From $35 per hour \
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Senior Care in Lantzville

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