Senior Care in Kaleden

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Tricia B.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Kaleden
1 Verification
I’m friendly, kind , caring , hardworking , willing to learn.
| I’m a nanny also a mom of grown kids I also was helping a 72 year old woman clean homes I would drive her as she did not drive she had a massive heart attack so no longer able to work with her I would also help her with her errands house chores yard work ect .
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Kaleden
I’m friendly, kind , caring , hardworking , willing to learn.
| I’m a nanny also a mom of grown kids I also was helping a 72 year old woman clean homes I would drive her as she did not drive she had a massive heart attack so no longer able to work with her I would also help her with her errands house chores yard work ect .
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Senior Care in Kaleden

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