Senior Care in De Winton

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Neila S.
  • From $16 /hr
  • De Calgary
Specialist in Comprehensive Care
| With extensive experience in caregiving, I have dedicated my life to the well-being of the elderly, children, and animals. I cared for my elderly parents, taking responsibility for administering medications to one who had type 2 diabetes, planning and preparing a balanced diet, and managing their daily routine to ensure their health and #######.## addition to this experience, I have also cared for four pets, including cats and dogs, demonstrating skill in managing and attending to their specific needs. My experience also includes caring for two children from three months to six years old, providing a safe and stimulating environment for their development and well-being.These experiences have given me a deep understanding of diverse needs and a refined ability to offer personalized and attentive care. I am committed to providing high-quality care with a respectful and human-centered approach, always aiming to enhance the quality of life for the elderly, children, and animals in my care.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • De Calgary
Specialist in Comprehensive Care
| With extensive experience in caregiving, I have dedicated my life to the well-being of the elderly, children, and animals. I cared for my elderly parents, taking responsibility for administering medications to one who had type 2 diabetes, planning and preparing a balanced diet, and managing their daily routine to ensure their health and #######.## addition to this experience, I have also cared for four pets, including cats and dogs, demonstrating skill in managing and attending to their specific needs. My experience also includes caring for two children from three months to six years old, providing a safe and stimulating environment for their development and well-being.These experiences have given me a deep understanding of diverse needs and a refined ability to offer personalized and attentive care. I am committed to providing high-quality care with a respectful and human-centered approach, always aiming to enhance the quality of life for the elderly, children, and animals in my care.
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From $16 per hour \
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Senior Care in De Winton

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