Pet Care in Val Caron

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Sam G.
  • From $10
  • Val Caron
My name is samantha! Im bilingual and lové children and animals!
| Im caring and often very soft spoken. I own cats and dogs and grew up around horses
... more
  • From $10
  • Val Caron
My name is samantha! Im bilingual and lové children and animals!
| Im caring and often very soft spoken. I own cats and dogs and grew up around horses
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From $10 \
Bailey J.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Val Caron
1 Verification
Animal care giver
| Hey, I'm Bailey! I have experience with all types of animals, as I have previously done a 3 months placement at a wildlife rehabilitation centre (and have owned or nursed just about any kind of pet back to health). I have also fostered many dogs over the years and even have one of my own: Elliott, my 3 year old Great Dane. I also have a 20 year old macaw named Justy; and a 7 month old chameleon, Rango. I have experience with animals of all ages & sizes, and I am not easily intimidated by vocal, large, or rowdy animals. I am taking part in an animal grooming placement starting May 2022.
... more
  • From $10
  • Val Caron
Animal care giver
| Hey, I'm Bailey! I have experience with all types of animals, as I have previously done a 3 months placement at a wildlife rehabilitation centre (and have owned or nursed just about any kind of pet back to health). I have also fostered many dogs over the years and even have one of my own: Elliott, my 3 year old Great Dane. I also have a 20 year old macaw named Justy; and a 7 month old chameleon, Rango. I have experience with animals of all ages & sizes, and I am not easily intimidated by vocal, large, or rowdy animals. I am taking part in an animal grooming placement starting May 2022.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Val Caron

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