Housekeepers in Val Caron

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Leena G.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Val Caron
Household helper
| Hello! I started cleaning in office environments when I was younger and it seems like I have been cleaning ever since . After becoming a photographer and a first time mother I took a great 6 year leap and am finding myself ready to work again! Honestly, I don't know where to start in the work feild but I have learnt alot of neat cleaning tricks being a stay at home mom and even though it seems like a hassle, cleaning has been something I thoroughly enjoy. Times are hard , cleaning is worse . I'm here to help ! Love, Lee.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Val Caron
Household helper
| Hello! I started cleaning in office environments when I was younger and it seems like I have been cleaning ever since . After becoming a photographer and a first time mother I took a great 6 year leap and am finding myself ready to work again! Honestly, I don't know where to start in the work feild but I have learnt alot of neat cleaning tricks being a stay at home mom and even though it seems like a hassle, cleaning has been something I thoroughly enjoy. Times are hard , cleaning is worse . I'm here to help ! Love, Lee.
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From $16 per hour \
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Housekeepers in Val Caron

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