Pet Care in Trois-Rivieres

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Tommylee B.
  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Garde tout les animaux ou presque : Garde de jours,nuit,promenade etc ...
| Salut je suis un jeune de 21 ans je m'appelle Tommy .j'ai déjà un chien à la maison et un chat des animaux avec les quelle j'ai le moins d'expérience sont : reptile, oiseaux je n'accepte pas les araignées ni ce qui est venimeux :)
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  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Garde tout les animaux ou presque : Garde de jours,nuit,promenade etc ...
| Salut je suis un jeune de 21 ans je m'appelle Tommy .j'ai déjà un chien à la maison et un chat des animaux avec les quelle j'ai le moins d'expérience sont : reptile, oiseaux je n'accepte pas les araignées ni ce qui est venimeux :)
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From $10 \
Faith B.
  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Loving Active Pet Friend
| Hi I'm Faith! I'm a recent Burroughs graduate who will be going to CSUSB. Growing up I always had some sort of pet and I've always had a special place in my heart for animals. I currently have two cats, Chungus and Daryl, and they are some of my best friends. I've pet sat for family and friends, but never professionally. I'm willing to walk/run, spend time with, feed, and clean up after your pets. Excited to talk soon!
... more
  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Loving Active Pet Friend
| Hi I'm Faith! I'm a recent Burroughs graduate who will be going to CSUSB. Growing up I always had some sort of pet and I've always had a special place in my heart for animals. I currently have two cats, Chungus and Daryl, and they are some of my best friends. I've pet sat for family and friends, but never professionally. I'm willing to walk/run, spend time with, feed, and clean up after your pets. Excited to talk soon!
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From $10 \
Rani W.
  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Dog caretaker with a lot of patience and a lot of intrest in other animals
| I grew up with cats and dogs and other small animals. Once I found a wild kitten of 2 weeks old, it was totally emaciated and full of ticks. I took care of it and fed it every 2 hours day and night, it became a wonderful cat! Also, on a volunteering job in Croatia I got attached to a puppy that was living on the street. It was starved and beaten. I took it with me to Belgium (where I lived back than). I took care of it and trained it to walk on the leash first (street dogs apparently don't like a leash very much!), later I taught him a lot of tricks. It became a well behaved and social dog. I also love long hikes and a dog makes a hike 10 times better, but as I live for the moment on a apartment and don't have a dog here. I would be glad taking your dog for a hike. Even if prefer dogs, I also can take care of cats or other animals. As I helped my brother also taking care of his turtles and bearded dragons and did some volunteering work on a calve farm.
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  • From $10
  • Trois-Rivieres
Dog caretaker with a lot of patience and a lot of intrest in other animals
| I grew up with cats and dogs and other small animals. Once I found a wild kitten of 2 weeks old, it was totally emaciated and full of ticks. I took care of it and fed it every 2 hours day and night, it became a wonderful cat! Also, on a volunteering job in Croatia I got attached to a puppy that was living on the street. It was starved and beaten. I took it with me to Belgium (where I lived back than). I took care of it and trained it to walk on the leash first (street dogs apparently don't like a leash very much!), later I taught him a lot of tricks. It became a well behaved and social dog. I also love long hikes and a dog makes a hike 10 times better, but as I live for the moment on a apartment and don't have a dog here. I would be glad taking your dog for a hike. Even if prefer dogs, I also can take care of cats or other animals. As I helped my brother also taking care of his turtles and bearded dragons and did some volunteering work on a calve farm.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Trois-Rivieres

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