Pet Care in Tilbury

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Carol B.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Tilbury
1 Verification
Dog Walking, And Sitting, plus Cat Sitting.
| I love all animals... I have over 7 years experience, I have my first aid certificate, and I am retired. I had 4 cats, 3 Bengals, and a Maine Coon, but unfortunately, because I purchased them as babies, they all crossed the rainbow Bridge, within a year or 2 of each #####..## broke my heart. They were my world.. I worked for a dog walking and pet sitting company, before moving to Tilbury Ont. I find animals are like little humans, that's how I look at it.. They bring such joy and happiness for everyone.. I treat them all, like they are my very own..
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  • From $10
  • Tilbury
Dog Walking, And Sitting, plus Cat Sitting.
| I love all animals... I have over 7 years experience, I have my first aid certificate, and I am retired. I had 4 cats, 3 Bengals, and a Maine Coon, but unfortunately, because I purchased them as babies, they all crossed the rainbow Bridge, within a year or 2 of each #####..## broke my heart. They were my world.. I worked for a dog walking and pet sitting company, before moving to Tilbury Ont. I find animals are like little humans, that's how I look at it.. They bring such joy and happiness for everyone.. I treat them all, like they are my very own..
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From $10 \
Kate M.
  • From $10
  • Tilbury
My name is Kate. I've had dogs, my whole life. I've looked after cats, too. They are all so cute!
| I'm 46 years old, and have had dogs since I was two. I'm an only child, so my dogs were my companions growing up. We lived near a park, so punky ( my first dog), and I, would go play. My dogs and I would go walking all over and we even took our dog to Florida! I love dogs and cats. I used to live in London, but have since moved to the Tilbury area. I can drive to other cities, if need be, just let me know. I'm only on basic here, so just post your job, and I'll respond. Take care!
... more
  • From $10
  • Tilbury
My name is Kate. I've had dogs, my whole life. I've looked after cats, too. They are all so cute!
| I'm 46 years old, and have had dogs since I was two. I'm an only child, so my dogs were my companions growing up. We lived near a park, so punky ( my first dog), and I, would go play. My dogs and I would go walking all over and we even took our dog to Florida! I love dogs and cats. I used to live in London, but have since moved to the Tilbury area. I can drive to other cities, if need be, just let me know. I'm only on basic here, so just post your job, and I'll respond. Take care!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Tilbury

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