Pet Care in Pain Court

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Edrea L.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Pain Court
1 Verification
Caring and enthusiastic individual offering pet sitting, feeding and walking services.
| I’ve always been an animal lover and I’ve always loved walking my dog . I’ve had a wide variety of pets throughout my life ranging from farm goats and chickens to cats and rats . I understand sometimes with everyday life and careers it’s hard to walk your dog as much as you can , or be there to feed them on time . I want to be there to help with that !
... more
  • From $10
  • Pain Court
Caring and enthusiastic individual offering pet sitting, feeding and walking services.
| I’ve always been an animal lover and I’ve always loved walking my dog . I’ve had a wide variety of pets throughout my life ranging from farm goats and chickens to cats and rats . I understand sometimes with everyday life and careers it’s hard to walk your dog as much as you can , or be there to feed them on time . I want to be there to help with that !
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From $10 \
Amber F.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Pain Court
1 Verification
Animal lover and pet owner for over 10 years
| I have owned and cared for pets my entire life from dogs to cats, hamsters and fish. I love all animals and I am currently finishing up my biology degree with hopes of becoming a wildlife biologist.
... more
  • From $10
  • Pain Court
Animal lover and pet owner for over 10 years
| I have owned and cared for pets my entire life from dogs to cats, hamsters and fish. I love all animals and I am currently finishing up my biology degree with hopes of becoming a wildlife biologist.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Pain Court

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