Pet Care in St Pierre Jolys

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Dominiqe M.
  • From $10
  • St Pierre Jolys
Cat Sitting Services *South Winnipeg & Southeast Manitoba*
| Mature, trustworthy and reliable caregiver with over 25 years of experience in feline care available to provide loving TLC in your home to your cat(s) and other small animals while you are away. My goal is to help make your time away from home as stress-free as possible by providing attentive, loving and thorough daily home visits to feed, water and play with your cat(s) while you are away. Each daily visit would include; -daily pet photos and updates (by text or email) -individual play and cuddle time -cleaning and refreshing of dry/wet food bowls & water bowls -scooping of litter box(es) -thorough washing & sanitizing of litter boxes (when a 7-day or longer visit is arranged) -administering of oral medication -cleaning up of any messes made by your pet while you are away -bringing in of mail/flyers -checking temperature of home -watering of plants -turning interior/exterior lights on or off (depending on the time of day).
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  • From $10
  • St Pierre Jolys
Cat Sitting Services *South Winnipeg & Southeast Manitoba*
| Mature, trustworthy and reliable caregiver with over 25 years of experience in feline care available to provide loving TLC in your home to your cat(s) and other small animals while you are away. My goal is to help make your time away from home as stress-free as possible by providing attentive, loving and thorough daily home visits to feed, water and play with your cat(s) while you are away. Each daily visit would include; -daily pet photos and updates (by text or email) -individual play and cuddle time -cleaning and refreshing of dry/wet food bowls & water bowls -scooping of litter box(es) -thorough washing & sanitizing of litter boxes (when a 7-day or longer visit is arranged) -administering of oral medication -cleaning up of any messes made by your pet while you are away -bringing in of mail/flyers -checking temperature of home -watering of plants -turning interior/exterior lights on or off (depending on the time of day).
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in St Pierre Jolys

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