Pet Care in Lorette

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Michalea M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lorette
1 Verification
I will do anything your pet wants to help make them feel most comfortable and happy!
| I have my certificate for a Veterinary Assistant from Robertson College and completed my practicum at the Transcona Veterinary Hospital. I have a dog training certificate through ABC and completed an 18 week internship at Training Loyal Companions in Winnipeg. I have a lot of experience with dogs and cats as I volunteered at the humane society for two consecutive years, since I was 16 years old. I am currently fostering dogs with Manitoba Mutts dog rescue, since spring 2017. And working as a daycare attendant as well as an assistant trainer at Training Loyal Companions. I moved to lorette in 2016 and currently do pet sitting in the area. I am owned by a golden retriever and a cat.
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  • From $10
  • Lorette
I will do anything your pet wants to help make them feel most comfortable and happy!
| I have my certificate for a Veterinary Assistant from Robertson College and completed my practicum at the Transcona Veterinary Hospital. I have a dog training certificate through ABC and completed an 18 week internship at Training Loyal Companions in Winnipeg. I have a lot of experience with dogs and cats as I volunteered at the humane society for two consecutive years, since I was 16 years old. I am currently fostering dogs with Manitoba Mutts dog rescue, since spring 2017. And working as a daycare attendant as well as an assistant trainer at Training Loyal Companions. I moved to lorette in 2016 and currently do pet sitting in the area. I am owned by a golden retriever and a cat.
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From $10 \
Hailey S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lorette
1 Verification
Can provide services outside Winnipeg!!
| I have always had animals in my home including dogs, cats, fish, and a lizard. I have done many services with friends and family but am looking to expand my reach to work with my university schedule for the next year!
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  • From $10
  • Lorette
Can provide services outside Winnipeg!!
| I have always had animals in my home including dogs, cats, fish, and a lizard. I have done many services with friends and family but am looking to expand my reach to work with my university schedule for the next year!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Lorette

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