Pet Care in St Andrews

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Kaitlyn F.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • St Andrews
1 Verification
Knowledgeable, Patient and Continues to Learn.
| I’ve lived with Dogs and Cats my whole life. From Labradors to Huskies. Ive had experience with smaller dogs as well. I’ve lived with cats with mental disorders and cats with attention problems. I understand the needs for cats and how to fix many common issues related to them. Ive owned a total of 6 cats and 3 dogs. I’ve also cared for a stray cat and I’ve cared for family members cats and dogs. For 2 years I have researched a ton about Parrots. I own 3 cockatiels and own an African Grey and would love any potential experience with any other parrot. Ive had lots of experience with reptiles and amphibians and understand their needs without the need of owning one. I gained the experience from a Pet Club in middle school and after. I also have some experience with rodents but very little. I would also love any opportunity to learn about any other animals. I am so free to exploring.
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  • From $10
  • St Andrews
Knowledgeable, Patient and Continues to Learn.
| I’ve lived with Dogs and Cats my whole life. From Labradors to Huskies. Ive had experience with smaller dogs as well. I’ve lived with cats with mental disorders and cats with attention problems. I understand the needs for cats and how to fix many common issues related to them. Ive owned a total of 6 cats and 3 dogs. I’ve also cared for a stray cat and I’ve cared for family members cats and dogs. For 2 years I have researched a ton about Parrots. I own 3 cockatiels and own an African Grey and would love any potential experience with any other parrot. Ive had lots of experience with reptiles and amphibians and understand their needs without the need of owning one. I gained the experience from a Pet Club in middle school and after. I also have some experience with rodents but very little. I would also love any opportunity to learn about any other animals. I am so free to exploring.
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From $10 \
Makayla R.
  • From $17
  • St Andrews
The Dream Animal Care Giver
| Hello! I’m Makayla and I’ve been working in the pet industry for 4 years, I’ve worked at two pet stores and a daycare. I’m very calm and patient with dogs. Nervous dogs typically warm up to me pretty quickly as I respect boundaries and let them come to me. I also worked with a lot of behavioural dogs so I have developed my leash skills and various training skills. A lot of the dogs that wouldn’t let anyone touch them at the daycare facility would bond with me and let me care for them. I think very highly of animals and believe they are the most loving companions that deserve to cared for and respected. I also know how intelligent dogs are and it impresses me continuously. Therefore I’m dedicated to taking care of animals and It also helps that I love cuddles and walks too!! I can offer some training based on the experiences I gained whilst working with dogs, for example: Leash skills & walking manners, Placement training & kennelling, Some Kennel Reactivity (I’m not a professional trainer yet) and Food reactivity to a degree. In addition I can provide knowledge in nutrition and training utilities, I can provide a daily de shed and bi weekly nail trims and I can provide quality mental stimulation tailored to your dogs breed!
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  • From $17
  • St Andrews
The Dream Animal Care Giver
| Hello! I’m Makayla and I’ve been working in the pet industry for 4 years, I’ve worked at two pet stores and a daycare. I’m very calm and patient with dogs. Nervous dogs typically warm up to me pretty quickly as I respect boundaries and let them come to me. I also worked with a lot of behavioural dogs so I have developed my leash skills and various training skills. A lot of the dogs that wouldn’t let anyone touch them at the daycare facility would bond with me and let me care for them. I think very highly of animals and believe they are the most loving companions that deserve to cared for and respected. I also know how intelligent dogs are and it impresses me continuously. Therefore I’m dedicated to taking care of animals and It also helps that I love cuddles and walks too!! I can offer some training based on the experiences I gained whilst working with dogs, for example: Leash skills & walking manners, Placement training & kennelling, Some Kennel Reactivity (I’m not a professional trainer yet) and Food reactivity to a degree. In addition I can provide knowledge in nutrition and training utilities, I can provide a daily de shed and bi weekly nail trims and I can provide quality mental stimulation tailored to your dogs breed!
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From $17 \
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Pet Care in St Andrews

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