Pet Care in East St Paul

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Rhea W.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $20
  • East St Paul
1 Verification Hired once
Loving and kind, friendly and enthusiastic. With over 20 years experience.
| Hello, I'm Rhea a professional pet sitter and dog walker located in EastSt. Paul, Mb. I have plenty of experience caring for, walking dogs and caring for cats. I offer a variety of services including dog walking, overnight care, and pet sitting at your home. Growing up we always had cats, although it was in my 30s I was first introduced to caring for dogs. I fell in love with them while working for a pet sitter in many different settings. Some were Live in while caring for pets others were drop-in walks feeding and play time. Through this I attended professional dog training and enjoy training dogs very much. I know safety is number one with pets so training and socializing is important to me. Let me know if your pet has any special needs or health concerns that I can account for. What is their energy level, or is there anything that may cause them anxiety? It is helpful in case of emergency to have your pet(s) veterinary information handy. I'm passionate about making sure your beloved pet(s) is given the best care possible while you are away. My availability varies and I am open to talk about scheduling regular visits or temporary. Lets talk and see if we can set up care for your pet.
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  • From $20
  • East St Paul
Loving and kind, friendly and enthusiastic. With over 20 years experience.
| Hello, I'm Rhea a professional pet sitter and dog walker located in EastSt. Paul, Mb. I have plenty of experience caring for, walking dogs and caring for cats. I offer a variety of services including dog walking, overnight care, and pet sitting at your home. Growing up we always had cats, although it was in my 30s I was first introduced to caring for dogs. I fell in love with them while working for a pet sitter in many different settings. Some were Live in while caring for pets others were drop-in walks feeding and play time. Through this I attended professional dog training and enjoy training dogs very much. I know safety is number one with pets so training and socializing is important to me. Let me know if your pet has any special needs or health concerns that I can account for. What is their energy level, or is there anything that may cause them anxiety? It is helpful in case of emergency to have your pet(s) veterinary information handy. I'm passionate about making sure your beloved pet(s) is given the best care possible while you are away. My availability varies and I am open to talk about scheduling regular visits or temporary. Lets talk and see if we can set up care for your pet.
... more
Just a great person! Our son loves being looked after by Rhea. I highly recommend her!"
... "more
Reviewed by Jon G.
From $20 \
Aimee G.
Hired 2 times
  • From $10
  • East St Paul
Hired 2 times
I am fun, safe, and easy to work with!
| I love all animals and have extensive experience with both petsitting and housesitting! I am willing to feed, walk, and care for your beloved pets while you are away. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
  • From $10
  • East St Paul
I am fun, safe, and easy to work with!
| I love all animals and have extensive experience with both petsitting and housesitting! I am willing to feed, walk, and care for your beloved pets while you are away. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
From $10 \
Brenda S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • East St Paul
1 Verification
Pet services & House Sitting
| I’m an experienced house/dog/cat sitter who LOVES animals. Will stay in your home while you’re away or can care for your animals at my home. I’m very reliable & trustworthy with criminal record check available, have reasonable rates & many references
... more
  • From $10
  • East St Paul
Pet services & House Sitting
| I’m an experienced house/dog/cat sitter who LOVES animals. Will stay in your home while you’re away or can care for your animals at my home. I’m very reliable & trustworthy with criminal record check available, have reasonable rates & many references
... more
From $10 \
Meghan C.
  • From $10
  • East St Paul
University student looking for part-time dog walking
| I am a 3rd-year biology student studying at the University of Winnipeg. I am pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. I worked at the Humane Society for a year, cleaning, feeding, and walking the animals as well as helping give medications. Working at the Humane Society I have come into contact with my types of dogs and cats with different behaviors. I am also volunteering at Arrowwood Animal hospital helping the vet and vet tech with appointments and surgeries. I have 2 dogs, a German Shorthaired Pointer, and a rescue dog who are both over 70 pounds. I am available for part-time work.
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  • From $10
  • East St Paul
University student looking for part-time dog walking
| I am a 3rd-year biology student studying at the University of Winnipeg. I am pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. I worked at the Humane Society for a year, cleaning, feeding, and walking the animals as well as helping give medications. Working at the Humane Society I have come into contact with my types of dogs and cats with different behaviors. I am also volunteering at Arrowwood Animal hospital helping the vet and vet tech with appointments and surgeries. I have 2 dogs, a German Shorthaired Pointer, and a rescue dog who are both over 70 pounds. I am available for part-time work.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in East St Paul

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