Pet Care in Shuniah

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Jenna E.
  • From $10
  • Shuniah
Calm and attentive animal lover looking for the opportunity to care for your pet. :)
| I have experience looking after the dogs and cats of family members and friends. This included services such as stopping by to feed and check on the well being of the pet; overnight, weekend, and week-long stays at the home; as well as walking and playing! Currently between jobs so my availability is completely open. I am very excited for the chance to care for your pet!
... more
  • From $10
  • Shuniah
Calm and attentive animal lover looking for the opportunity to care for your pet. :)
| I have experience looking after the dogs and cats of family members and friends. This included services such as stopping by to feed and check on the well being of the pet; overnight, weekend, and week-long stays at the home; as well as walking and playing! Currently between jobs so my availability is completely open. I am very excited for the chance to care for your pet!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Shuniah

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