Pet Care in Rosslyn

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Shaye H.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Rosslyn
1 Verification
Shaye H.- 23 years old. Lakehead University.
| I am 23 year old graduate. I have experience with my own dog, a Bichon, who I’ve had for 11 years. I’ve also had experience with several other breeds of all personalities. I have grooming and training experience and would love to walk or dog sit your doggo(s)!
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  • From $10
  • Rosslyn
Shaye H.- 23 years old. Lakehead University.
| I am 23 year old graduate. I have experience with my own dog, a Bichon, who I’ve had for 11 years. I’ve also had experience with several other breeds of all personalities. I have grooming and training experience and would love to walk or dog sit your doggo(s)!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Rosslyn

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