Pet Care in Quebec

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Luana G.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Quebec
1 Verification
The ideal nanny for your pet
| My name is Luana, I'm 27 years old, I’m married. I love animals and I'm a very communicative person. J’habite a Quebec depuis février 2024 et je cherche un emploi pour entraîner mon français et acquérir de l'expérience. Je suis une personne joyeuse avec une grande facilité d'adaptation. Actuellement je fais de la francisation mais après 15h30 et pendant les week-ends j'ai une disponibilité totale. Je parle couramment le portugais et j'ai un niveau d'anglais, de français et d'espagnol 4.
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  • From $15
  • Quebec
The ideal nanny for your pet
| My name is Luana, I'm 27 years old, I’m married. I love animals and I'm a very communicative person. J’habite a Quebec depuis février 2024 et je cherche un emploi pour entraîner mon français et acquérir de l'expérience. Je suis une personne joyeuse avec une grande facilité d'adaptation. Actuellement je fais de la francisation mais après 15h30 et pendant les week-ends j'ai une disponibilité totale. Je parle couramment le portugais et j'ai un niveau d'anglais, de français et d'espagnol 4.
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From $15 \
Marissa L.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
A loving aspiring pet nutritionist with much love to give!
| Hi! My name is Marissa. I have a passion for pets and I am currently studying animal nutrition and I work in a high end pet food store. I offer pet sitting, walking, grooming (depending on the pet).
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
A loving aspiring pet nutritionist with much love to give!
| Hi! My name is Marissa. I have a passion for pets and I am currently studying animal nutrition and I work in a high end pet food store. I offer pet sitting, walking, grooming (depending on the pet).
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From $10 \
Oceane G.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
I’m really a careful person
| I am 18years old I’m currently studying at Cégep a distance so I have a lot of possibilities in the day because I choose my schedule. I’ve been setting pet a lot of time and I love it. I’m looking for a little job while I’m still at school and since I love pets It would be the perfect jobs. I also love kids and I have a lot of energy too so usually kids love me.I’ve been babysitting a lot and I also got my babysitter license. For the pet sitting I’ve been having 2 dog’s, a golden and a teckel, I also got 3 bird, a rabbit and a cat so I think I know a little bit about them and I also read a lot about pets.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
I’m really a careful person
| I am 18years old I’m currently studying at Cégep a distance so I have a lot of possibilities in the day because I choose my schedule. I’ve been setting pet a lot of time and I love it. I’m looking for a little job while I’m still at school and since I love pets It would be the perfect jobs. I also love kids and I have a lot of energy too so usually kids love me.I’ve been babysitting a lot and I also got my babysitter license. For the pet sitting I’ve been having 2 dog’s, a golden and a teckel, I also got 3 bird, a rabbit and a cat so I think I know a little bit about them and I also read a lot about pets.
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From $10 \
Jason P.
  • From $15
  • Quebec
I am a dog lover
| Jeune français venu au Québec pour les études, j’ai du me séparer du chien que j’avais avec mes parents. Le chien étant le meilleur ami de l’homme, je serais très heureux de jouer avec eux. Passionné par les chiens depuis mon plus jeune âge, il me fera un grand plaisir de m’occuper du vôtre
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  • From $15
  • Quebec
I am a dog lover
| Jeune français venu au Québec pour les études, j’ai du me séparer du chien que j’avais avec mes parents. Le chien étant le meilleur ami de l’homme, je serais très heureux de jouer avec eux. Passionné par les chiens depuis mon plus jeune âge, il me fera un grand plaisir de m’occuper du vôtre
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From $15 \
Rachel P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Quebec
1 Verification
Amoureuse des animaux !!
| Bonjour, J’ai eu des animaux depuis toujours : chats, chiens, rats, cochons dindes .. je les adore! Je voudrais vous afire mon temps et mon amour des animaux
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
Amoureuse des animaux !!
| Bonjour, J’ai eu des animaux depuis toujours : chats, chiens, rats, cochons dindes .. je les adore! Je voudrais vous afire mon temps et mon amour des animaux
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From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Quebec is between $16 and $20
Guadalupe R.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
I really love the animals
| I have dog since was a puppy, I really like to walk with dogs and play with them and cats too
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
I really love the animals
| I have dog since was a puppy, I really like to walk with dogs and play with them and cats too
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From $10 \
Casey D.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
2nd year MUN student, crazy cat lady on the side.
| I currently have 5 cats at home and a small Pomeranian. In the past I have also had a large husky mix. I have lived with pets my entire life, and in the past I have volunteered with exotic animals so I am comfortable with those as well.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
2nd year MUN student, crazy cat lady on the side.
| I currently have 5 cats at home and a small Pomeranian. In the past I have also had a large husky mix. I have lived with pets my entire life, and in the past I have volunteered with exotic animals so I am comfortable with those as well.
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From $10 \
Emna E.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • La Haute-Saint-Charles
1 Verification
Amoureux des animaux passionné offrant des services de garde d'animaux attentionnés et dévoués.
| Si vous êtes intéressé par mes services ou si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. J'ai une passion sincère pour prendre soin des animaux, ainsi que pour le merveilleux compagnonnage qu'ils apportent. J'adore les chats, les chiens, les poissons et tous les animaux, et pour les chiens, je propose des services de garde attentionnés à la maison du propriétaire et je les promène avec joie en leur apportant des soins en public. Vos animaux bien-aimés seront entre de bonnes mains. J'attends avec impatience votre message et l'occasion de m'occuper de vos amis à poils ou à plumes !
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  • From $15
  • La Haute-Saint-Charles
Amoureux des animaux passionné offrant des services de garde d'animaux attentionnés et dévoués.
| Si vous êtes intéressé par mes services ou si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. J'ai une passion sincère pour prendre soin des animaux, ainsi que pour le merveilleux compagnonnage qu'ils apportent. J'adore les chats, les chiens, les poissons et tous les animaux, et pour les chiens, je propose des services de garde attentionnés à la maison du propriétaire et je les promène avec joie en leur apportant des soins en public. Vos animaux bien-aimés seront entre de bonnes mains. J'attends avec impatience votre message et l'occasion de m'occuper de vos amis à poils ou à plumes !
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From $15 \
Allison T.
  • From $15
  • Quebec
Caring, dedicated
| I love animals, but cannot own a dog due to my cat at home and small apartment. I can handle any type of dog, whether they’re tough and stubborn or shy and sweet! I’ve owned and walked big dogs before, and know how to handle and care for them!
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  • From $15
  • Quebec
Caring, dedicated
| I love animals, but cannot own a dog due to my cat at home and small apartment. I can handle any type of dog, whether they’re tough and stubborn or shy and sweet! I’ve owned and walked big dogs before, and know how to handle and care for them!
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From $15 \
Sara A.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Quebec
1 Verification
Be the person your dogs love you to be!
| since my childhood I grew up with kittens, birds and even sheeps!! I grew up in a family who everyone loves animals! later on when I was adult and independent enough I decided to keep dogs in our home so I brought a puppy german shepherd but he was sick and even though I did everything I could for him he, sadly he didn`t survive. Then My sister and I in 2017 bought a 6 month Golden Retriever who`s name is Happy and ever since he only brought joy and happiness to us. But since My sister had to work in another city every 2 weeks, I was more responsible to him. Also later She moved to USA and I was the only one who had to take care of him along with my studies a few months later I received a PhD offer from Laval University so I just moved in Quebec City and Happy was also accompanying me. Now we are trying to send Happy to USA to my sister, she is missing him so badly... also Happy loves Traveling!!!
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
Be the person your dogs love you to be!
| since my childhood I grew up with kittens, birds and even sheeps!! I grew up in a family who everyone loves animals! later on when I was adult and independent enough I decided to keep dogs in our home so I brought a puppy german shepherd but he was sick and even though I did everything I could for him he, sadly he didn`t survive. Then My sister and I in 2017 bought a 6 month Golden Retriever who`s name is Happy and ever since he only brought joy and happiness to us. But since My sister had to work in another city every 2 weeks, I was more responsible to him. Also later She moved to USA and I was the only one who had to take care of him along with my studies a few months later I received a PhD offer from Laval University so I just moved in Quebec City and Happy was also accompanying me. Now we are trying to send Happy to USA to my sister, she is missing him so badly... also Happy loves Traveling!!!
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From $10 \
Savannah T.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
| Cat and lizard owner // experience with dogs, birds and rodents. French first language but I'm good with English too
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
| Cat and lizard owner // experience with dogs, birds and rodents. French first language but I'm good with English too
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From $10 \
Ralph T.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
i only have experience with my own pets and those that belong to friends of mine
| I only have experience with my own pets and those that’s belong to friends of mine but I am a very fast learner and very patient with the animals so I give them time to warm up to me , which they usually do pretty fast
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
i only have experience with my own pets and those that belong to friends of mine
| I only have experience with my own pets and those that’s belong to friends of mine but I am a very fast learner and very patient with the animals so I give them time to warm up to me , which they usually do pretty fast
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From $10 \
Mahsa B.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
I am a vet who could take care of your pets with quality. you can reach out
| I am a vet recently graduated from vet school and currently i am a student in Quebec city. I love spending time with your pets. this is what i’ve been trained for. I also have a lot of experience with animals. I love spending time with animals, that’s why i am trying to fill my free times with part time dog walking,… jobs. Please feel free to give me a call if you are interested.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
I am a vet who could take care of your pets with quality. you can reach out
| I am a vet recently graduated from vet school and currently i am a student in Quebec city. I love spending time with your pets. this is what i’ve been trained for. I also have a lot of experience with animals. I love spending time with animals, that’s why i am trying to fill my free times with part time dog walking,… jobs. Please feel free to give me a call if you are interested.
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From $10 \
Nathalie V.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
Dynamique, persévérante ; à l'écoute des animaux.
| Jeune Mamie retraitée,qui adore les #######.#### le plein air.Dévouée au bien être des animaux.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
Dynamique, persévérante ; à l'écoute des animaux.
| Jeune Mamie retraitée,qui adore les #######.#### le plein air.Dévouée au bien être des animaux.
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From $10 \
Eve R.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
Gardienne d'animaux jeune et dynamique
| Bonjour, je suis la maman d'une petite lapine de 4 ans et je garde les chiens et chats de mes amis quand ils en ont besoin. Je n'ai aucune formation puisque je me dirige plutôt dans l'enseignement, mais je connais l'importance de s'occuper des animaux et je sais que ces petits êtres c'est comme nos enfants. Je suis prête à m'occuper de vos animaux si vous n'avez pas toujours le temps juste à me faire signe je m'en occuperai comme je m'occupe de ma lapine. J'ai de l'expérience avec les lapins/hamster, les chiens (petit, moyen, gros) (j'avais un gros labrador pendant 10 ans) et les chats. Si mon profil vous intéresse juste à me faire signe :)
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
Gardienne d'animaux jeune et dynamique
| Bonjour, je suis la maman d'une petite lapine de 4 ans et je garde les chiens et chats de mes amis quand ils en ont besoin. Je n'ai aucune formation puisque je me dirige plutôt dans l'enseignement, mais je connais l'importance de s'occuper des animaux et je sais que ces petits êtres c'est comme nos enfants. Je suis prête à m'occuper de vos animaux si vous n'avez pas toujours le temps juste à me faire signe je m'en occuperai comme je m'occupe de ma lapine. J'ai de l'expérience avec les lapins/hamster, les chiens (petit, moyen, gros) (j'avais un gros labrador pendant 10 ans) et les chats. Si mon profil vous intéresse juste à me faire signe :)
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From $10 \
Jennifer P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Quebec
1 Verification
Pet Sitter
| Je suis une femme responsable de 36 ans possédant ma voiture, disponible pour aller visiter vos animaux à votre domicile ou selon l’animal, possibilité de l’accueillir chez moi durant vos voyages ou autre. Présentement, j’ai un petit perroquet et un chiot à la maison. Mais j’ai aussi eux d’autres animaux, chiens, chats, reptiles, poissons, rongeurs. I am a 36 year old woman, with her own car. Available for at home visits for your pets or depending the type of animal and availability, it is possible for me to take it in our home during your travels. I currently have a puppy and a parakeet at home, but I’ve had several types of domestic pets during my life, like fish, dogs, cats, reptiles and other small mammals.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
Pet Sitter
| Je suis une femme responsable de 36 ans possédant ma voiture, disponible pour aller visiter vos animaux à votre domicile ou selon l’animal, possibilité de l’accueillir chez moi durant vos voyages ou autre. Présentement, j’ai un petit perroquet et un chiot à la maison. Mais j’ai aussi eux d’autres animaux, chiens, chats, reptiles, poissons, rongeurs. I am a 36 year old woman, with her own car. Available for at home visits for your pets or depending the type of animal and availability, it is possible for me to take it in our home during your travels. I currently have a puppy and a parakeet at home, but I’ve had several types of domestic pets during my life, like fish, dogs, cats, reptiles and other small mammals.
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From $10 \
Kelly G.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
J’aime jouer avec les chiens et les chevaux et leur apprendre des tours pratiques
| J’ai toujours été entourée d’animaux, les chiens plus particulièrement. Depuis toute jeune je dresse et m’occupe des chiens de tout ages.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
J’aime jouer avec les chiens et les chevaux et leur apprendre des tours pratiques
| J’ai toujours été entourée d’animaux, les chiens plus particulièrement. Depuis toute jeune je dresse et m’occupe des chiens de tout ages.
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From $10 \
Romane P.
  • From $10
  • Quebec
J’adore être en présence d’animaux. J’aime prendre soin d’eux et de me promener en leurs présence.
| J’ai toujours vécut entouré d’animaux, des chats et des chiens principalement, de toute taille et âge. J’ai toujours eu pour habitude d’aller prendre des marches avec eux, jouer, câliner, m’assurer que l’eau soit bien fraîche, la quantité de nourriture soit adéquate. J’ai à cœur du confort des animaux selon leurs besoins qui sont spécifique à chaque être vivant. J’ai actuellement un chat à la maison et rêve de pouvoir accueillir un chien bientôt.
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  • From $10
  • Quebec
J’adore être en présence d’animaux. J’aime prendre soin d’eux et de me promener en leurs présence.
| J’ai toujours vécut entouré d’animaux, des chats et des chiens principalement, de toute taille et âge. J’ai toujours eu pour habitude d’aller prendre des marches avec eux, jouer, câliner, m’assurer que l’eau soit bien fraîche, la quantité de nourriture soit adéquate. J’ai à cœur du confort des animaux selon leurs besoins qui sont spécifique à chaque être vivant. J’ai actuellement un chat à la maison et rêve de pouvoir accueillir un chien bientôt.
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From $10 \
Kaled M.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • Quebec
1 Verification
Energy and attitude
| I am an animal lover with years of experience in the care and handling of dogs of various breeds and sizes. My passion for dogs has led me to develop skills in basic training, behavior management. I am committed to providing a safe, loving and stimulating environment for each dog in my care, ensuring they receive the attention and exercise they need to stay happy and healthy. In addition, I am punctual, responsible and have an excellent ability to communicate with owners, keeping them informed about the welfare of their pets at all times.
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  • From $20
  • Quebec
Energy and attitude
| I am an animal lover with years of experience in the care and handling of dogs of various breeds and sizes. My passion for dogs has led me to develop skills in basic training, behavior management. I am committed to providing a safe, loving and stimulating environment for each dog in my care, ensuring they receive the attention and exercise they need to stay happy and healthy. In addition, I am punctual, responsible and have an excellent ability to communicate with owners, keeping them informed about the welfare of their pets at all times.
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From $20 \
  • From $15
  • Quebec
Walk, care or play with your pet
| Since I was 5 years old I have had pets, I have always enjoyed living with pets, especially dogs, cats and fish. My greatest experience is with dogs. I am looking for a job and studying French, I have time to take care of your pet in the mornings. I am very affectionate and respectful with animals.
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  • From $15
  • Quebec
Walk, care or play with your pet
| Since I was 5 years old I have had pets, I have always enjoyed living with pets, especially dogs, cats and fish. My greatest experience is with dogs. I am looking for a job and studying French, I have time to take care of your pet in the mornings. I am very affectionate and respectful with animals.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Quebec

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