Pet Care in North Saanich

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Myia G.
  • From $10
  • North Saanich
Animal lover who loves walks
| Hi, my name is Myia. I love hanging out with and taking care of animals. I have 5 cats at home so I’m very comfortable with them. I’m also a dog lover as I had a few growing up (big and small).
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  • From $10
  • North Saanich
Animal lover who loves walks
| Hi, my name is Myia. I love hanging out with and taking care of animals. I have 5 cats at home so I’m very comfortable with them. I’m also a dog lover as I had a few growing up (big and small).
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From $10 \
Brenda H.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • North Saanich
1 Verification
Love then like my own !
| Hi: My first experience started years ago as I was raised on a working farm in PEI. Life has always included animals by my side. As a stay at home Mom , 10 years ago we brought a puppy into our home .Since this time I have constantly provided endless Love for my friends pets while they travel. Mostly the pets have come to my house as my Labra-Doodle is so friendly however I have Pet & house sat at the same time. I am a dependable, caring , energetic, healthy , very physically active lady that loves new experiences outdoors with fury friends. I also can do senior care & outings . I do thrive when helping other . I believe pure excitement for travel ONLY happens when amazing Pet Care is in place ! Current Criminal Record check & references provided .
... more
  • From $10
  • North Saanich
Love then like my own !
| Hi: My first experience started years ago as I was raised on a working farm in PEI. Life has always included animals by my side. As a stay at home Mom , 10 years ago we brought a puppy into our home .Since this time I have constantly provided endless Love for my friends pets while they travel. Mostly the pets have come to my house as my Labra-Doodle is so friendly however I have Pet & house sat at the same time. I am a dependable, caring , energetic, healthy , very physically active lady that loves new experiences outdoors with fury friends. I also can do senior care & outings . I do thrive when helping other . I believe pure excitement for travel ONLY happens when amazing Pet Care is in place ! Current Criminal Record check & references provided .
... more
From $10 \
Rachel E.
  • From $10
  • North Saanich
Vet assistant groomer
| I am a compassionate animal care giver and lifetime animal lover. I have 13 years experience as a groomer and 3 as a veterinary assistant. I recently lost my elderly dog and am new to the mainland. Looking for some pet time and extra income.
... more
  • From $10
  • North Saanich
Vet assistant groomer
| I am a compassionate animal care giver and lifetime animal lover. I have 13 years experience as a groomer and 3 as a veterinary assistant. I recently lost my elderly dog and am new to the mainland. Looking for some pet time and extra income.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in North Saanich

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