Pet Care in Cobble Hill

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Katlyn M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Cobble Hill
1 Verification
Pet/child/senior caregiver
| I have had dogs and cats my entire life I've always been responsible for. I trained my german shepherd myself along with other dogs. I have 9 years child experience of different ages. I have a level 3 first aid and emergency responder ticket so I can also take care of elderly. I am happy to do any sorts of housework if needed. Can pay plenty of attention to your animals and wall them! Kids I can take outside and play with. Let me know your needs and I will make sure to do my best!
... more
  • From $10
  • Cobble Hill
Pet/child/senior caregiver
| I have had dogs and cats my entire life I've always been responsible for. I trained my german shepherd myself along with other dogs. I have 9 years child experience of different ages. I have a level 3 first aid and emergency responder ticket so I can also take care of elderly. I am happy to do any sorts of housework if needed. Can pay plenty of attention to your animals and wall them! Kids I can take outside and play with. Let me know your needs and I will make sure to do my best!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Cobble Hill

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