Pet Care in Morinville

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Eddie S.
  • From $10
  • Morinville
You can rest easy knowing I'm gonna be the best I can be for your pet, and any animal under my care.
| Hello! My name's Eddie, I'm an experienced dog walker, and sitter. I love all animals and I have some of my own. If you're looking for a responsible, person to employ look no further!
... more
  • From $10
  • Morinville
You can rest easy knowing I'm gonna be the best I can be for your pet, and any animal under my care.
| Hello! My name's Eddie, I'm an experienced dog walker, and sitter. I love all animals and I have some of my own. If you're looking for a responsible, person to employ look no further!
... more
From $10 \
Zoe M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Morinville
1 Verification
Doggo Lover Looking for Fur Friends
| Official animal lover looking to make dog friends. I am an active adult with over 5 years experience with dogs including loving my Golden and goldador. I love being outside and playing with fur balls at the dog park. I know how scary it can be leaving your dog with someone else so I want the process to be as pleasant as possible. I am also a registered nurse so I handle stressful situations very well. Nothing makes my day more then watching dogs stretch out there legs and clumsily chase a tennis ball. I have a very flexible schedule and can work with what needs you have. I also have a reliable vehicle and a pocket full of treats ;) I hope we can be friends !
... more
  • From $10
  • Morinville
Doggo Lover Looking for Fur Friends
| Official animal lover looking to make dog friends. I am an active adult with over 5 years experience with dogs including loving my Golden and goldador. I love being outside and playing with fur balls at the dog park. I know how scary it can be leaving your dog with someone else so I want the process to be as pleasant as possible. I am also a registered nurse so I handle stressful situations very well. Nothing makes my day more then watching dogs stretch out there legs and clumsily chase a tennis ball. I have a very flexible schedule and can work with what needs you have. I also have a reliable vehicle and a pocket full of treats ;) I hope we can be friends !
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Morinville

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