Child Care in Morinville

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Sandra T.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Morinville
1 Verification
Funny, strict Aunty
| Please note:; I'm looking into moving to Morinville, AB by the end of Sept after I have finished my contract. Hello! I've been taking care of children since I was 10. I've taken care of kids in my church group from the ages of 1 years old to 16 years old. I also cared for my younger siblings, after my parents passed away and I was only 19 years old at the time. So dealing with angry and moody teenagers was a very fun phase of my life. I was a live in nanny for my sister when she had her second child for 6 months to help her while she was in school. Yes, I did changed 2 babies diapers at the same time and I'm not afraid of vomit. I do not get bother by outbursts, I can sit with them all day until they are tired and want to finally talk. I'm a very fun, open and try to be honest as best as I can. I want to provide a strong role model for them while having fun, even if it's doing homework. The industries I typically work in are aviation, retail, sales, marketing and customer service. Being yelled by 300 people for a delayed flight by yourself, makes a huge impact in being calm without looking like a chicken with no head. Depending on how many kids, will vary on pricing.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Morinville
Funny, strict Aunty
| Please note:; I'm looking into moving to Morinville, AB by the end of Sept after I have finished my contract. Hello! I've been taking care of children since I was 10. I've taken care of kids in my church group from the ages of 1 years old to 16 years old. I also cared for my younger siblings, after my parents passed away and I was only 19 years old at the time. So dealing with angry and moody teenagers was a very fun phase of my life. I was a live in nanny for my sister when she had her second child for 6 months to help her while she was in school. Yes, I did changed 2 babies diapers at the same time and I'm not afraid of vomit. I do not get bother by outbursts, I can sit with them all day until they are tired and want to finally talk. I'm a very fun, open and try to be honest as best as I can. I want to provide a strong role model for them while having fun, even if it's doing homework. The industries I typically work in are aviation, retail, sales, marketing and customer service. Being yelled by 300 people for a delayed flight by yourself, makes a huge impact in being calm without looking like a chicken with no head. Depending on how many kids, will vary on pricing.
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From $30 per hour \
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Child Care in Morinville

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