Pet Care in Lacombe

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Delaney D.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Lacombe
1 Verification
Pet care
| I’ve always had animals in my home and am a lover of all animals. I have experience caring for cats dogs and small mammals like rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs etc. I also have experience caring for birds and reptiles. I offer services in dog walking, pet sitting, overnight care and daycare in your home where your pet is comfortable, daily watering and feeding.
... more
  • From $15
  • Lacombe
Pet care
| I’ve always had animals in my home and am a lover of all animals. I have experience caring for cats dogs and small mammals like rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs etc. I also have experience caring for birds and reptiles. I offer services in dog walking, pet sitting, overnight care and daycare in your home where your pet is comfortable, daily watering and feeding.
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From $15 \
Leda J.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
1 Verification
RN who takes care of people, and your pets.
| I am a 52 year old single woman who works 12 hour evenings and nights in Ponoka as a Registered Nurse. I just moved back from Kelowna, because I now have a granddaughter in Red Deer. in Lacombe, and have elderly parents that I help out with. I have house sat,looked after cats, dogs, picked mail for many coworkers over 10 -15 years I thoroughly enjoy the animals, and provides me some peace and happiness from my everyday career. If the job site is close I would run home and check on the pets, or schedule pet, housesitting on my days off.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
RN who takes care of people, and your pets.
| I am a 52 year old single woman who works 12 hour evenings and nights in Ponoka as a Registered Nurse. I just moved back from Kelowna, because I now have a granddaughter in Red Deer. in Lacombe, and have elderly parents that I help out with. I have house sat,looked after cats, dogs, picked mail for many coworkers over 10 -15 years I thoroughly enjoy the animals, and provides me some peace and happiness from my everyday career. If the job site is close I would run home and check on the pets, or schedule pet, housesitting on my days off.
... more
From $10 \
Patrina R.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
1 Verification
Energetic Pet Caregiver
| I have quite a bit of experience with animals, I currently have a Shepherd-Newfie mix, a Yorkie-Poo and a cat. I'm great with animals, big and small.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
Energetic Pet Caregiver
| I have quite a bit of experience with animals, I currently have a Shepherd-Newfie mix, a Yorkie-Poo and a cat. I'm great with animals, big and small.
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From $10 \
Tiffany M.
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
I live in T4L near Burman
| I live in Burman. I live dogs and cats! I’d be honored to take care of them and love them for the short time your away! We’ll be a perfect match
... more
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
I live in T4L near Burman
| I live in Burman. I live dogs and cats! I’d be honored to take care of them and love them for the short time your away! We’ll be a perfect match
... more
From $10 \
Michelle M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
1 Verification
8 years experience with dogs.
| Hi! I 8 years experience with dogs. I have 2 dogs at how. (Chow and shepherd x) who I love and adore. I promise when I’m walking or taking care of your pups that I will treat them like they were my own!
... more
  • From $10
  • Lacombe
8 years experience with dogs.
| Hi! I 8 years experience with dogs. I have 2 dogs at how. (Chow and shepherd x) who I love and adore. I promise when I’m walking or taking care of your pups that I will treat them like they were my own!
... more
From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Lacombe is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Lacombe

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