Dog Sitters in Simcoe

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Amanda S.
  • From $10
  • Simcoe
I love animals and have two of my own
| I have always grown up with pets so I am very experienced, mainly with small, medium and large dogs. I currently have two medium to large dogs, one is a German Shepherd and the other is an Australian Shepherd. In my profile I am available to do walking, feedings and dog-sitting, even if you want dog socialization with your pets.
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  • From $10
  • Simcoe
I love animals and have two of my own
| I have always grown up with pets so I am very experienced, mainly with small, medium and large dogs. I currently have two medium to large dogs, one is a German Shepherd and the other is an Australian Shepherd. In my profile I am available to do walking, feedings and dog-sitting, even if you want dog socialization with your pets.
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Simcoe

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