Dog Sitters in Kleinburg

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Brittany Y.
  • From $10
  • Kleinburg
Reliable Trustworthy Dog Lover - Female
| I have two friendly dogs at home! Tons of experience with all sizes and dogs of all ages. Previously had a blue nose pitbull as well! Reliable animal lover in the Woodbridge/Brampton area! I work in Brampton with the school board and am available after 3 and all day on weekends. Full day availability on March break and over the summer months!
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  • From $10
  • Kleinburg
Reliable Trustworthy Dog Lover - Female
| I have two friendly dogs at home! Tons of experience with all sizes and dogs of all ages. Previously had a blue nose pitbull as well! Reliable animal lover in the Woodbridge/Brampton area! I work in Brampton with the school board and am available after 3 and all day on weekends. Full day availability on March break and over the summer months!
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Kleinburg

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