Dog Sitters in Greely

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Paw Parade Dog Walking
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Greely
1 Verification
Dog Walker / Home Visits
| This is a new adventure after retiring from Federal Government employment as a Property Manager. Now, I want to spend my time with dogs because I love dogs. $17.00 for 30 minutes of walking. Home visits for 30 minutes when you are away for a longer periods of time are available. I own two dogs and have had dogs all my life for 54 years. I understand dogs and the trust they need from all of us. I believe in rewards for good behavior. Dogs just need our reassurance and love. I have taken some obedience training and have taken care of other people's dogs.
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  • From $10
  • Greely
Dog Walker / Home Visits
| This is a new adventure after retiring from Federal Government employment as a Property Manager. Now, I want to spend my time with dogs because I love dogs. $17.00 for 30 minutes of walking. Home visits for 30 minutes when you are away for a longer periods of time are available. I own two dogs and have had dogs all my life for 54 years. I understand dogs and the trust they need from all of us. I believe in rewards for good behavior. Dogs just need our reassurance and love. I have taken some obedience training and have taken care of other people's dogs.
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Greely

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