Tutors in Greely

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Erin W.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Greely
1 Verification
Experiences Teacher/Tutor/Mentor
| Hi there! My name is Erin, and I would love to be able to tutor your learner. I have had extensive experience working in a traditional classroom setting and as an online teacher. I have taught ESL to Chinese children online. Ages ranging from 8 to 14 years old. I also provide Art History classes online. I am currently in my second year studying for a Bachelor of Education with the goal of becoming a teacher. I worked for two years at the Urban Alternative Aboriginal High School, teaching a variety of subjects to students ranging from grade 9 to grade 12. I have also completed placements in a Grade 8 Language and Grade 8 Mathematics class. I am comfortable teaching all subjects up to Grade 8. I am comfortable teaching high school English, History and Social Sciences. I can assist with studying as well as essay writing. I hope I can be a good fit for you!
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Greely
Experiences Teacher/Tutor/Mentor
| Hi there! My name is Erin, and I would love to be able to tutor your learner. I have had extensive experience working in a traditional classroom setting and as an online teacher. I have taught ESL to Chinese children online. Ages ranging from 8 to 14 years old. I also provide Art History classes online. I am currently in my second year studying for a Bachelor of Education with the goal of becoming a teacher. I worked for two years at the Urban Alternative Aboriginal High School, teaching a variety of subjects to students ranging from grade 9 to grade 12. I have also completed placements in a Grade 8 Language and Grade 8 Mathematics class. I am comfortable teaching all subjects up to Grade 8. I am comfortable teaching high school English, History and Social Sciences. I can assist with studying as well as essay writing. I hope I can be a good fit for you!
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Tutors in Greely

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