Dog Sitters in Campbellville

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Wayne H.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Campbellville
1 Verification
Dog lover will walk your dog or bring it to play with mine
| I have had different types of dogs for many #####.## present dog is a cross between a golden retriever and a plott hound. I would like to walk dogs in the Rockwood Conservation park. I would also dog sit at the owner's home or at our home on 5 acres south of Rockwood. I have reliable transportation.
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  • From $10
  • Campbellville
Dog lover will walk your dog or bring it to play with mine
| I have had different types of dogs for many #####.## present dog is a cross between a golden retriever and a plott hound. I would like to walk dogs in the Rockwood Conservation park. I would also dog sit at the owner's home or at our home on 5 acres south of Rockwood. I have reliable transportation.
... more
From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Campbellville

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