Cat Sitters in West Kelowna

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Viviana O.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • West Kelowna
1 Verification
"Purr-fessional Cat Sitter: 9+ Years of Feline Care Expertise"
| With over 9 years of dedicated cat-sitting experience, I have honed my skills to provide exceptional care for your feline friends. My passion for ensuring their well-being goes beyond routine tasks – I create a comfortable and stress-free environment, offering personalized attention to meet each cat's unique needs. Your kitties deserve the best, and with my extensive experience, they'll receive just that!
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  • From $15
  • West Kelowna
"Purr-fessional Cat Sitter: 9+ Years of Feline Care Expertise"
| With over 9 years of dedicated cat-sitting experience, I have honed my skills to provide exceptional care for your feline friends. My passion for ensuring their well-being goes beyond routine tasks – I create a comfortable and stress-free environment, offering personalized attention to meet each cat's unique needs. Your kitties deserve the best, and with my extensive experience, they'll receive just that!
... more
From $15 \
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Cat Sitters in West Kelowna

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