Special Needs Care in West Kelowna

Choose from 68 special needs caregivers in your area.
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Alyssa C.
  • From $14 /hr
  • West Kelowna
Very caring and outgoing person. Love the outdoors and finding new crafts for the kids to enjoy
| My close friends brother has Down’s syndrome and he’s been in my life for around 5 years and I look at him as a brother to me, over the years he’s become one of my good friends and he’s super close and reliant on me.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • West Kelowna
Very caring and outgoing person. Love the outdoors and finding new crafts for the kids to enjoy
| My close friends brother has Down’s syndrome and he’s been in my life for around 5 years and I look at him as a brother to me, over the years he’s become one of my good friends and he’s super close and reliant on me.
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From $14 per hour \
Bryanna M.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • West Kelowna
1 Verification
Special needs caregiver and BI
| Many years experience, career based and fully enjoy every step of the learning process. Extremely patient and flexible.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • West Kelowna
Special needs caregiver and BI
| Many years experience, career based and fully enjoy every step of the learning process. Extremely patient and flexible.
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From $23 per hour \
Crystal C.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • West Kelowna
1 Verification
A safe, routine-focused, and creative space to learn and grow.
| My name is Crystal, I have worked in healthcare for 7-8 years, I did my LPN diploma but have worked as a care aid for most years. I have experience in the field of childcare, elderly care, pet/home sitting and some residential services. No matter what age or stage your child is at, I have experienced it and know how to handle it. I have personal experience with developmental or autistic children with challenges such as ADHA etc. I worked as a childminder at a young age, in my adulthood I discovered I could not have children amdf I enjoy every day I have child around me. I am warm-hearted, energetic and enjoy spending my time reading or researching, crafting and playing online games. I am also happy to prepare meals. Last summer, I accompanied a family on a one-week holiday where I took care of the children and allowed the parents some personal time. I offer this service to other families. I look forward to hearing from you.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • West Kelowna
A safe, routine-focused, and creative space to learn and grow.
| My name is Crystal, I have worked in healthcare for 7-8 years, I did my LPN diploma but have worked as a care aid for most years. I have experience in the field of childcare, elderly care, pet/home sitting and some residential services. No matter what age or stage your child is at, I have experienced it and know how to handle it. I have personal experience with developmental or autistic children with challenges such as ADHA etc. I worked as a childminder at a young age, in my adulthood I discovered I could not have children amdf I enjoy every day I have child around me. I am warm-hearted, energetic and enjoy spending my time reading or researching, crafting and playing online games. I am also happy to prepare meals. Last summer, I accompanied a family on a one-week holiday where I took care of the children and allowed the parents some personal time. I offer this service to other families. I look forward to hearing from you.
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From $25 per hour \
Megan B.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • West Kelowna
1 Verification
I want to build a trusting relationship for one or 2 clients Hope to hear from you soon!
| Hello, my name is Megan and I am 29 years old, I am an experienced, registered, care aid and I have worked in a variety of settings with a variety of individuals. 7 years ago I started community support with private company, then residential care, assisted living, and finally returned to the community for interior health. I want to change my environment and build a relationship with one or two clients and meet the needs of both my client, and myself. I wish to provide respite care including overnight services and have experience with both physically and cognitively impaired clients. Additionally, I have 2 school aged children one of whom is autistic with developmental delay, and provide respite for another preteen semi-verbal boy who we have an amazing relationship with. I have an insiders point of view in terms of goals, standards of care, and acceptance of the individual obstacles in this regard. Although, I am hoping to continue senior services and/or support with Mobility and I am comfortable with lifts and equipment, and experienced with a variety of care needs. Hope to hear from you soon!
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  • From $30 /hr
  • West Kelowna
I want to build a trusting relationship for one or 2 clients Hope to hear from you soon!
| Hello, my name is Megan and I am 29 years old, I am an experienced, registered, care aid and I have worked in a variety of settings with a variety of individuals. 7 years ago I started community support with private company, then residential care, assisted living, and finally returned to the community for interior health. I want to change my environment and build a relationship with one or two clients and meet the needs of both my client, and myself. I wish to provide respite care including overnight services and have experience with both physically and cognitively impaired clients. Additionally, I have 2 school aged children one of whom is autistic with developmental delay, and provide respite for another preteen semi-verbal boy who we have an amazing relationship with. I have an insiders point of view in terms of goals, standards of care, and acceptance of the individual obstacles in this regard. Although, I am hoping to continue senior services and/or support with Mobility and I am comfortable with lifts and equipment, and experienced with a variety of care needs. Hope to hear from you soon!
... more
From $30 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in West Kelowna

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