Child Care in West St Paul

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Katie S.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • West St Paul
1 Verification Hired once
Experienced nanny looking for work!
| Hello! My name is Katie and I am a 27 years old. I am currently a master's degree student at the UofM in education with a bachelor's in music education. Previously, I was working as a nanny to a lovely family with 3 girls which ended last year due to changes in their lives and in mine (I can provide a reference!). I was their nanny for 5 years and now I do casual babysitting for them. I have been working in childcare for over a decade and have experience that has come from being a nanny, as an aupair in 4 different countries, piano teacher, Sunday school teacher, music and English teacher in China, camp leader, respite worker and support worker for Child and Family Services.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • West St Paul
Experienced nanny looking for work!
| Hello! My name is Katie and I am a 27 years old. I am currently a master's degree student at the UofM in education with a bachelor's in music education. Previously, I was working as a nanny to a lovely family with 3 girls which ended last year due to changes in their lives and in mine (I can provide a reference!). I was their nanny for 5 years and now I do casual babysitting for them. I have been working in childcare for over a decade and have experience that has come from being a nanny, as an aupair in 4 different countries, piano teacher, Sunday school teacher, music and English teacher in China, camp leader, respite worker and support worker for Child and Family Services.
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From $20 per hour \
Gloria E.
  • From $14 /hr
  • West St Paul
Gloria’s Babysitting Service. Experienced stay at home mother of 5 grown children.
| Hi my name is Gloria. I am a mother of 5 ages 23, 18, 16,14, and my youngest is 10. So to say the least I’m extremely experienced. Now with my own children mostly grown and being a stay at home mother I am ready to take care of your children. I love cooking and cleaning and caring for children. I have lots of toys and an open floor plan so your children will always be in sight, with a huge backyard for outdoor fun.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • West St Paul
Gloria’s Babysitting Service. Experienced stay at home mother of 5 grown children.
| Hi my name is Gloria. I am a mother of 5 ages 23, 18, 16,14, and my youngest is 10. So to say the least I’m extremely experienced. Now with my own children mostly grown and being a stay at home mother I am ready to take care of your children. I love cooking and cleaning and caring for children. I have lots of toys and an open floor plan so your children will always be in sight, with a huge backyard for outdoor fun.
... more
From $14 per hour \
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Child Care in West St Paul

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