Child Care in Narol

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Britney K.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Narol
1 Verification
Trustworthy, relatable, dependable, love children!
| Hi my name is Britney, and I have been in child care for 2 years, I worked at shapes in their child care centre for a year and a half and then worked in a daycares facility laugh n learn early learning centre! I love children and taking care of them, creating fun learning activities and games, good with all ages, diapering, baiting, feeding etc. Criminal record check done and child abuse check done. Hope to hear back from you soon!! Thank you !
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Narol
Trustworthy, relatable, dependable, love children!
| Hi my name is Britney, and I have been in child care for 2 years, I worked at shapes in their child care centre for a year and a half and then worked in a daycares facility laugh n learn early learning centre! I love children and taking care of them, creating fun learning activities and games, good with all ages, diapering, baiting, feeding etc. Criminal record check done and child abuse check done. Hope to hear back from you soon!! Thank you !
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From $14 per hour \
Jordan Z.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Narol
This is a great way for me to get some (on paper) experience for my journey.
| Over the time of my life I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by kids through family and friends. This made me very capable of dealing with children and learning about the way the act and the proper way to care for them. It was not until I was 15 (of legal age to babysit) that I was able to watch these children on my own. I have babysat for many families, those of close friends and family and those of their friends through word of mouth. I have worked at a Montessori over a couple summers to get some experience on a resume and to help with my child care experience as well. I am very spontaneous and love to be outdoors! My family has an Italian restaurant so cooking/baking is my specialty. I think cooking is very important in family life because it's a good way to get away from other things and a good time to talk about family things!
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Narol
This is a great way for me to get some (on paper) experience for my journey.
| Over the time of my life I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by kids through family and friends. This made me very capable of dealing with children and learning about the way the act and the proper way to care for them. It was not until I was 15 (of legal age to babysit) that I was able to watch these children on my own. I have babysat for many families, those of close friends and family and those of their friends through word of mouth. I have worked at a Montessori over a couple summers to get some experience on a resume and to help with my child care experience as well. I am very spontaneous and love to be outdoors! My family has an Italian restaurant so cooking/baking is my specialty. I think cooking is very important in family life because it's a good way to get away from other things and a good time to talk about family things!
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From $12 per hour \
Isabel F.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Narol
1 Verification
I am a very artistic and enthusiastic person. I love being outdoors and going on adventures.
| Hi, I’m Isabel! I love being around kids and have worked with kids much in the past, first as a sunday school teacher/ childcare leader in my local church which i have been doing for almost 7 years now and also as a casual babysitter for family and friends. I also was a nanny to my niece for two summers in 2020 and 2021 when she was 2/3. I also took care of her regularily before she moved away.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Narol
I am a very artistic and enthusiastic person. I love being outdoors and going on adventures.
| Hi, I’m Isabel! I love being around kids and have worked with kids much in the past, first as a sunday school teacher/ childcare leader in my local church which i have been doing for almost 7 years now and also as a casual babysitter for family and friends. I also was a nanny to my niece for two summers in 2020 and 2021 when she was 2/3. I also took care of her regularily before she moved away.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Narol

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