Child Care in Quesnel

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May B.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Quesnel
I am a loving mother of 4, ages 15-24 that can’t wait to be a nana.
| My own children were homeschooled for the majority of their K-10 years with creativity, independence and following their individual interests and needs being a major part of their upbringing. I also have 10/12 of my courses completed in the Education Assistant program. I have volunteered in different youth organizations over the years and am currently tutoring reading and writing with a multi-sensory approach. While I would love to do full-time childcare, at this point I still have too many other responsibilities so I am looking to continue working with children in an occasional situation or perhaps regular part-time.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Quesnel
I am a loving mother of 4, ages 15-24 that can’t wait to be a nana.
| My own children were homeschooled for the majority of their K-10 years with creativity, independence and following their individual interests and needs being a major part of their upbringing. I also have 10/12 of my courses completed in the Education Assistant program. I have volunteered in different youth organizations over the years and am currently tutoring reading and writing with a multi-sensory approach. While I would love to do full-time childcare, at this point I still have too many other responsibilities so I am looking to continue working with children in an occasional situation or perhaps regular part-time.
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From $16 per hour \
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Quesnel
1 Verification
I am a passionate, hard-worker and reliable woman with six years work experience.
| Its always fun to be with kids... Their innocence and happiness makes me appreciate the essence of life.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Quesnel
I am a passionate, hard-worker and reliable woman with six years work experience.
| Its always fun to be with kids... Their innocence and happiness makes me appreciate the essence of life.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Quesnel

When do you need child care?