Child Care in Port Hope

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Heidi T.
Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Hope
Hired once
Caring, fun, reliable psychology grad who has a passion for working with children
| My name is Heidi. I am a reliable and extremely caring individual with a strong passion for working with and looking after children. Through being an educational assistant, camp counselor and babysitting throughout my life I have various experience looking after children of various ages. Through obtaining my bachelor of honours in psychology I have gained an immense amount of knowledge on the psychological mechanisms of young children specifically how to meet their social, emotional and physical needs through care and engaging activities. I have attached my CPR certificate and vulnerable police check for your review. I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks, Heidi
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Hope
Caring, fun, reliable psychology grad who has a passion for working with children
| My name is Heidi. I am a reliable and extremely caring individual with a strong passion for working with and looking after children. Through being an educational assistant, camp counselor and babysitting throughout my life I have various experience looking after children of various ages. Through obtaining my bachelor of honours in psychology I have gained an immense amount of knowledge on the psychological mechanisms of young children specifically how to meet their social, emotional and physical needs through care and engaging activities. I have attached my CPR certificate and vulnerable police check for your review. I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks, Heidi
... more
Heidi is a lovely person. She is caring, competent, kind and proactive."
... "more
Reviewed by Joanne B.
From $20 per hour \
Sarah M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Hope
Fun, caring, responsible caregiver
| Hi! My name is Sarah and I am an educational assistant at the school board. I specialize in working with students one on one with special needs from JK - college and integrating them into the classroom. I also have daycare and personal support worker experience (bathing,feeding, toileting). I have my own car, certified in standard first aid and CPR as well as a degree in kinesiology and physical education (I advocate a healthy lifestyle!). I am also able to help with cooking, cleaning and household chores. If this sounds of interest to you please contact me. Babysitter
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Hope
Fun, caring, responsible caregiver
| Hi! My name is Sarah and I am an educational assistant at the school board. I specialize in working with students one on one with special needs from JK - college and integrating them into the classroom. I also have daycare and personal support worker experience (bathing,feeding, toileting). I have my own car, certified in standard first aid and CPR as well as a degree in kinesiology and physical education (I advocate a healthy lifestyle!). I am also able to help with cooking, cleaning and household chores. If this sounds of interest to you please contact me. Babysitter
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Port Hope

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