Child Care in Olds

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Hailey B.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Olds
Mom of 2 looking to get back to work doing what I love best!
| Hello!, My name is Hailey, and I really enjoy working with kids. I have two younger sisters whom I have cared for since I was nine years old and now 2 children (3years and 11 months). Growing up my mother was a single parent who had to work a lot in order to support our little family, leaving it up to me to care for myself and my younger sister. I had early learning experience and had to grow up fast. I was changing diapers, cooking meals, cleaning and holding up the house while my mother was working by the time I was nine years of age. I am very passionate about children and love being a mom. I enjoy learning with them and experiencing the lighter side of life. For some, becoming a doctor or engineer is a passion, but for me my passion is being able to care for and grow with children. I have done overnight jobs frequently for approx a week. Duties include cleaning, bathing, feeding, cooking, putting them to bed, laundry, helping with homework, extra curricular activities (swimming, movies, park) etc. I have cared for children of all ages, the most children I have cared for at once was 6 over night.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Olds
Mom of 2 looking to get back to work doing what I love best!
| Hello!, My name is Hailey, and I really enjoy working with kids. I have two younger sisters whom I have cared for since I was nine years old and now 2 children (3years and 11 months). Growing up my mother was a single parent who had to work a lot in order to support our little family, leaving it up to me to care for myself and my younger sister. I had early learning experience and had to grow up fast. I was changing diapers, cooking meals, cleaning and holding up the house while my mother was working by the time I was nine years of age. I am very passionate about children and love being a mom. I enjoy learning with them and experiencing the lighter side of life. For some, becoming a doctor or engineer is a passion, but for me my passion is being able to care for and grow with children. I have done overnight jobs frequently for approx a week. Duties include cleaning, bathing, feeding, cooking, putting them to bed, laundry, helping with homework, extra curricular activities (swimming, movies, park) etc. I have cared for children of all ages, the most children I have cared for at once was 6 over night.
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From $17 per hour \
Brook-Lynne D.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Olds
Energetic and fun
| Love children, reaching out to see if I’d like to expand into the childcare profession, and earn some extra income.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Olds
Energetic and fun
| Love children, reaching out to see if I’d like to expand into the childcare profession, and earn some extra income.
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From $15 per hour \
Lindsey H.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Olds
Caring, fun, loves to do crafts and go out doors.
| Hello, I have been in child care for 10+ yrs and have three children of my own
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Olds
Caring, fun, loves to do crafts and go out doors.
| Hello, I have been in child care for 10+ yrs and have three children of my own
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From $16 per hour \
Donna W.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Olds
Caring, loving understanding and attentive
| I don't have my license but will soon I have first aid for all ages just have to get it renewed I have my childcare certificate from red deer college now polytechnic I am reliable and flexible with schedules and pay rate etc
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Olds
Caring, loving understanding and attentive
| I don't have my license but will soon I have first aid for all ages just have to get it renewed I have my childcare certificate from red deer college now polytechnic I am reliable and flexible with schedules and pay rate etc
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From $16 per hour \
Maria M.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Olds
Experienced Childcare Provider
| I have greatly enjoyed my experiences caring for and working with all ages of children. I think it is important to create a good relationship with all children I care for providing a fun, safe, enjoyable and educational experience for them.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Olds
Experienced Childcare Provider
| I have greatly enjoyed my experiences caring for and working with all ages of children. I think it is important to create a good relationship with all children I care for providing a fun, safe, enjoyable and educational experience for them.
... more
From $17 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for child caregivers in Olds is between $16 and $21
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Child Care in Olds

When do you need child care?