Child Care in Okanagan Falls

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Dallas H.
Hired once
  • From $25 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
Hired once
I am outgoing, energetic, creative, loving and big hearted.
| I was a live in nanny for two RCMP members who have a 1 year old and 3 year old. I was with their family for a year and a half until they were sadly transferred elsewhere. I then became the childcare worker at a women’s shelter to help make a difference in the children’s lives who came into the shelter, then I was a shared nanny for two 1 year old boys. I went to school for my Paralegal diploma and now am back to childcare, hoping to secure a full time position as a nanny again.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
I am outgoing, energetic, creative, loving and big hearted.
| I was a live in nanny for two RCMP members who have a 1 year old and 3 year old. I was with their family for a year and a half until they were sadly transferred elsewhere. I then became the childcare worker at a women’s shelter to help make a difference in the children’s lives who came into the shelter, then I was a shared nanny for two 1 year old boys. I went to school for my Paralegal diploma and now am back to childcare, hoping to secure a full time position as a nanny again.
... more
From $25 per hour \
Nkume V.
1 Verification
  • From $50 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
1 Verification
Multitasked 20 year old
| I’m a Cameroonian by nationality.I started working at the age of 17 .I have different experience.I have experience in housekeeping,care both children and adult ,sales girl.Anything you want from me I will #######.#### me a chance to prove to you
... more
  • From $50 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
Multitasked 20 year old
| I’m a Cameroonian by nationality.I started working at the age of 17 .I have different experience.I have experience in housekeeping,care both children and adult ,sales girl.Anything you want from me I will #######.#### me a chance to prove to you
... more
From $50 per hour \
Lubega Geoffrey B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
I am a man who loves children and respect my job and reverence my Employers
| I work on merit . I keep My Responsibility on tips . I am down to earth. Communicative, Helpful and sympathetic and royal .
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Okanagan Falls
I am a man who loves children and respect my job and reverence my Employers
| I work on merit . I keep My Responsibility on tips . I am down to earth. Communicative, Helpful and sympathetic and royal .
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Okanagan Falls

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