Child Care in Mill Village

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  • From $20 /hr
  • Mill Village
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Empathetic, Educated Nanny & Creative Arts Therapist to Help Your Family Thrive
| I bring a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for supporting families. While I began babysitting as a teen and nannied in my twenties, most of my childcare experience comes from raising my own son, now a young adult. I’m highly educated, with a diploma in human services, a BA in liberal arts (English Lit, Sociology, Psychology), and a graduate diploma in Art Therapy. I’d love to use my knowledge of human nature and creative arts therapies to help your child thrive. I envision reading to them, visiting libraries and galleries, and teaching arts and crafts. I enjoy cooking, with a few favorite dishes and the ability to follow recipes. Though I’m happy to cook meat, though a or vegetarian household may be a better fit. I don’t mind light housework. While we may not share all views, I believe it’s important our values align; I’m progressive and a feminist. As a mature person, I avoid partying, spending free time reading, exercising, and talking to friends. I’m curious about a live-in arrangement with clear boundaries. I prefer caring for one child, but might expand that for the right family. I’m open to relocating for the right situation.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Mill Village
Empathetic, Educated Nanny & Creative Arts Therapist to Help Your Family Thrive
| I bring a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for supporting families. While I began babysitting as a teen and nannied in my twenties, most of my childcare experience comes from raising my own son, now a young adult. I’m highly educated, with a diploma in human services, a BA in liberal arts (English Lit, Sociology, Psychology), and a graduate diploma in Art Therapy. I’d love to use my knowledge of human nature and creative arts therapies to help your child thrive. I envision reading to them, visiting libraries and galleries, and teaching arts and crafts. I enjoy cooking, with a few favorite dishes and the ability to follow recipes. Though I’m happy to cook meat, though a or vegetarian household may be a better fit. I don’t mind light housework. While we may not share all views, I believe it’s important our values align; I’m progressive and a feminist. As a mature person, I avoid partying, spending free time reading, exercising, and talking to friends. I’m curious about a live-in arrangement with clear boundaries. I prefer caring for one child, but might expand that for the right family. I’m open to relocating for the right situation.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Mill Village

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