Daycare in Willow Beach

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Melena C.
1 Verification
  • From $22 /hr
  • Willow Beach
1 Verification
Fun, fair and real!
| Hello! My name is Melena and I am a mom of 3. I have recently left my position as an ECE at a daycare/Montessori centre with ages ranging from infant to school age. I am an ECE and truly like being in the company of children and I love children and the genuine people they are. Each and everyone of them is different and I admire how everyday they can teach us something new about them and about ourselves. I am looking to care for 1 child that can spend their day with my 2 year old daughter and I.
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  • From $22 /hr
  • Willow Beach
Fun, fair and real!
| Hello! My name is Melena and I am a mom of 3. I have recently left my position as an ECE at a daycare/Montessori centre with ages ranging from infant to school age. I am an ECE and truly like being in the company of children and I love children and the genuine people they are. Each and everyone of them is different and I admire how everyday they can teach us something new about them and about ourselves. I am looking to care for 1 child that can spend their day with my 2 year old daughter and I.
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From $22 per hour \
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Daycare in Willow Beach

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