Senior Care in Willow Beach

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Rosalinda S.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Willow Beach
Hi my name is Rosalinda I’m looking full time job as elder care I am certified PSW.
| I can say to myself I have patience to taking an elder, and I am compassionate and kindness . I was a live-in caregiver before for 3 yrs I was taking care an autistic child with mental disability and my responsibilities were meal preparation, light house cleaning and child supervision ( personal hygiene & preparing their food & snack bringing to school everyday . I resigned my job 5 mos ago because I want to work another field and I was finished my contract. I am certified PSW and I’m so lucky after I resigned my job I got a new job for private home care , a resident had dementia, ostomy and aggressive sometimes . I really love taking care of them like feeding , bathing , companionship, and taking care them sometimes we make joke and we laughed together . I’m working here for my 5 mos as Full time job because I’m studying and I’m still working in the weekend as my part time job . After 2 days of my school I realised that it is conflict in different ways so I withdraw my program that’s why I’m looking again a Full time job .
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Willow Beach
Hi my name is Rosalinda I’m looking full time job as elder care I am certified PSW.
| I can say to myself I have patience to taking an elder, and I am compassionate and kindness . I was a live-in caregiver before for 3 yrs I was taking care an autistic child with mental disability and my responsibilities were meal preparation, light house cleaning and child supervision ( personal hygiene & preparing their food & snack bringing to school everyday . I resigned my job 5 mos ago because I want to work another field and I was finished my contract. I am certified PSW and I’m so lucky after I resigned my job I got a new job for private home care , a resident had dementia, ostomy and aggressive sometimes . I really love taking care of them like feeding , bathing , companionship, and taking care them sometimes we make joke and we laughed together . I’m working here for my 5 mos as Full time job because I’m studying and I’m still working in the weekend as my part time job . After 2 days of my school I realised that it is conflict in different ways so I withdraw my program that’s why I’m looking again a Full time job .
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From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Willow Beach

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