Daycare in West Vancouver

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CuriousFox Academy
  • From $11 /hr
  • West Vancouver
In-Home Childcare
| The program and curriculum are built to strengthen the child’s cognitive development, reducing the risk of any future learning disabilities, social anxieties, depression or other mental issues. We keep the preschool curriculum exciting and engaging by steeping it in science, art and hands on experiences. We believe children learn best through experience and so have a line up of amazing Guest Speakers to bring some of the real world into our classroom. We love the outdoors and will take walks around the neighbourhood as well as weekly outings to Ambleside park. We promote eco-friendly materials and lifestyle. We have our own composter and teach children about looking after the environment. We have a beautiful learning center as well as a large playroom designed to keep even the most active kids busy. Our immense backyard has a wooded area, pavement, grass lawn and vegetable garden to keep the children's imaginations flowing. Our program runs 8:30-5:30pm weekdays but we accommodate flexible hours for parents who need to drop off or pick up their children at earlier/later times.
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  • From $11 /hr
  • West Vancouver
In-Home Childcare
| The program and curriculum are built to strengthen the child’s cognitive development, reducing the risk of any future learning disabilities, social anxieties, depression or other mental issues. We keep the preschool curriculum exciting and engaging by steeping it in science, art and hands on experiences. We believe children learn best through experience and so have a line up of amazing Guest Speakers to bring some of the real world into our classroom. We love the outdoors and will take walks around the neighbourhood as well as weekly outings to Ambleside park. We promote eco-friendly materials and lifestyle. We have our own composter and teach children about looking after the environment. We have a beautiful learning center as well as a large playroom designed to keep even the most active kids busy. Our immense backyard has a wooded area, pavement, grass lawn and vegetable garden to keep the children's imaginations flowing. Our program runs 8:30-5:30pm weekdays but we accommodate flexible hours for parents who need to drop off or pick up their children at earlier/later times.
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From $11 per hour \
Cherry May R.
  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
I'm a student looking for a part-time job
| I am trust worthy and diligent at work. I really love kinds and I value them so much just like my own brothers and sisters.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
I'm a student looking for a part-time job
| I am trust worthy and diligent at work. I really love kinds and I value them so much just like my own brothers and sisters.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Daycare in West Vancouver

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